مدرس خاص (0544321455-00966544321455) حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

14 أكتوبر 2014
مدرس خاص (0544321455-00966544321455) حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
Q1. Investigating socio-technical system
You have studied in block three of the course materials the socio-technical system approach for investigating system failures. To demonstrate your understanding of this part of the course, we are asking you to make some investigations regarding a specific type of socio-technical system which is academic social networks as for example Academia. For being able to complete this study, you should create an account in Academia.edu and start building your academic social network. It is mandatory that you provide snapshot from your Academia account to prove your participation in this social network. Then, answer to the following questions:
1. Draw the system map that you think representative for the given system. The system map must show at least two technical components, two social components, and two components that belong to the system environment.
2. Present briefly two processes of the given system.
3. Provide one major non-technical reason that may lead such system to failure?
Q2. Innovation in IEEE 802.11
You have studied in Block 1 the fundamental concepts, techniques, and mechanisms used in wireless communication in general and in more particularly in IEEE 802.11 standard. Nevertheless, the course does not emphasize on the evolution of this standard. In this problem, you will discover the innovative standard IEEE 802.11ac. Using the AOU e-library and Internet resources, you are asked to write an essay presenting an overview on the standard IEEE 802.11ac while providing its major physical layer specifications (e.g., throughput, RF bandwidth, channel bonding, number of MIMO spatial streams, modulation technique). Your essay should contain at least 500 words and the list of references. It should not include unapproved websites as Wikipedia or like citation. Marks will be deducted in case of essay lacking reliable references or containing errors in syntax, structure, and style. 3

Q3. Sniffing traffic using Wireshark
Wireshark is the world’s most popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development and education. The software and its user guide could be downloaded from its home page (i.e., http://www.wireshark.org/). Besides, you can find attached to the TMA a file entitled “Introduction to Wireshark” that can help you to start working rapidly with this software.
In this question, you will make some traffic analysis using this passive measurement tool. To start the experiment, you should install and run the software on your mobile device. We recommend that you use laptop having Microsoft Windows as operating system and connected to the network through Wi-Fi. While Wireshark is running, enter the URL of Moodle to navigate to its homepage and then enter your login credentials. During this communication, your browser will contact the server hosting Moodle and exchange messages with it. The frames containing these messages will be captured by Wireshark.
After your browser has displayed your Moodle homepage, stop Wireshark packet capture by selecting stop in the Wireshark capture window. This will cause the main Wireshark window to display all packets captured since you began packet capture. You now have live packet data that contains all protocol messages exchanged between your laptop and other network entities. The message exchanges with the web server should appear somewhere in the listing of packets captured. But there will be many other types of packets displayed as well.
For answering the following questions, you should look at the details of frames and subfields in the middle Wireshark window. It is mandatory that you provide snapshots from the software to prove the accuracy of your answers. Otherwise, no grades will be allocated.
1. What is the MAC and IP addresses of the wireless network connection of your laptop?
2. What is the MAC address of the wireless access point to which you are connecting?
3. What is the IP address of the server hosting Moodle?
4. Try to find the username and password of your Moodle account if they are in plaintext format or encrypted.
5. What do you conclude about the security of the server hosting Moodle in your branch?
6. Provide an overview on HTTPS. Your essay should include at least 200 words and the references.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -a_al_shora@hotmail.com)

س خاص (0544321455-00966544321455) حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
Q1. Investigating socio-technical system
You have studied in block three of the course materials the socio-technical system approach for investigating system failures. To demonstrate your understanding of this part of the course, we are asking you to make some investigations regarding a specific type of socio-technical system which is academic social networks as for example Academia. For being able to complete this study, you should create an account in Academia.edu and start building your academic social network. It is mandatory that you provide snapshot from your Academia account to prove your participation in this social network. Then, answer to the following questions:
1. Draw the system map that you think representative for the given system. The system map must show at least two technical components, two social components, and two components that belong to the system environment.
2. Present briefly two processes of the given system.
3. Provide one major non-technical reason that may lead such system to failure?
Q2. Innovation in IEEE 802.11
You have studied in Block 1 the fundamental concepts, techniques, and mechanisms used in wireless communication in general and in more particularly in IEEE 802.11 standard. Nevertheless, the course does not emphasize on the evolution of this standard. In this problem, you will discover the innovative standard IEEE 802.11ac. Using the AOU e-library and Internet resources, you are asked to write an essay presenting an overview on the standard IEEE 802.11ac while providing its major physical layer specifications (e.g., throughput, RF bandwidth, channel bonding, number of MIMO spatial streams, modulation technique). Your essay should contain at least 500 words and the list of references. It should not include unapproved websites as Wikipedia or like citation. Marks will be deducted in case of essay lacking reliable references or containing errors in syntax, structure, and style. 3

Q3. Sniffing traffic using Wireshark
Wireshark is the world’s most popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development and education. The software and its user guide could be downloaded from its home page (i.e., http://www.wireshark.org/). Besides, you can find attached to the TMA a file entitled “Introduction to Wireshark” that can help you to start working rapidly with this software.
In this question, you will make some traffic analysis using this passive measurement tool. To start the experiment, you should install and run the software on your mobile device. We recommend that you use laptop having Microsoft Windows as operating system and connected to the network through Wi-Fi. While Wireshark is running, enter the URL of Moodle to navigate to its homepage and then enter your login credentials. During this communication, your browser will contact the server hosting Moodle and exchange messages with it. The frames containing these messages will be captured by Wireshark.
After your browser has displayed your Moodle homepage, stop Wireshark packet capture by selecting stop in the Wireshark capture window. This will cause the main Wireshark window to display all packets captured since you began packet capture. You now have live packet data that contains all protocol messages exchanged between your laptop and other network entities. The message exchanges with the web server should appear somewhere in the listing of packets captured. But there will be many other types of packets displayed as well.
For answering the following questions, you should look at the details of frames and subfields in the middle Wireshark window. It is mandatory that you provide snapshots from the software to prove the accuracy of your answers. Otherwise, no grades will be allocated.
1. What is the MAC and IP addresses of the wireless network connection of your laptop?
2. What is the MAC address of the wireless access point to which you are connecting?
3. What is the IP address of the server hosting Moodle?
4. Try to find the username and password of your Moodle account if they are in plaintext format or encrypted.
5. What do you conclude about the security of the server hosting Moodle in your branch?
6. Provide an overview on HTTPS. Your essay should include at least 200 words and the references.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين

وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

وسيتم سرد قائمه بأسماء المواد التي نقوم بتقديم الحلول النموذجية والمنفرده طبقا لنظام التشابه Turnitin الذي يضمن عدم تشابه الواجبات سواء من مصادر الانترنت او من بين واجبات الطلاب و بعضها

مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة T215A
حل واجب مادة T215B
حل واجب مادة MU123
حل واجب مادة TU170
حل واجب مادة M150a
حل واجب مادة M150b
حل واجب مادة M363
حل واجب مادة M180
حل واجب مادة TT284
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة T324
حل واجب مادة T325
حل واجب مادة T490
حل واجب مادة M257
حل واجب مادة M275
حل واجب مادة t103
حل واجب مادة M105
حل واجب مادة T175a
حل واجب مادة T175b
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة M359
حل واجب مادة T471
حل واجب مادة M129
حل واجب مادة M131
حل واجب مادة M132
حل واجب مادة M130
حل واجب مادة M253
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
لدينا حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

14 أكتوبر 2014
The TMA:
This TMA consists of 14 questions that cover the material up to the end of unit5 Answer the following questions, showing your full work, formulas and calculations:

Question Number 1: Convert these values: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. 0.5m to mille.
  2. 420g to kg.
  3. 120 days to years.

Question Number 2: Round these values: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. 10.596 to 3 significant figures.
  2. 4.00492 to 2 decimal points.
  3. 4.320 cents to the nearest whole dollar.

Question Number 3: Calculate these numbers: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. -5/-2=
  2. -6 x -0.5=
  3. (-2) - (-2)=

Question Number 4: Simplify these fractions to be as "mixed fraction" numbers: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.png
    + 1/4 =
  2. 1/2 ÷ 2/7 =
  3. 5 x 3/4 =

Question Number 5: Draw this inequality on the number line: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. 7>R≥5
  2. Speed on the highway must exceed 60km/h but less than 120 km/h.
  3. Boys are allowed to enter the party if they are 17 years old at least.

Question Number 6: Find HCF and LCM for 50 and 16. …(6marks, 3 for each part)

Question Number 7: Calculate these numbers as powers: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image004.png
  2. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image008.png
  3. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image010.png

Question Number 8: Calculate these numbers as scientific notations: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. (3 x
    ) x (2x
    ) =
  2. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image016.png
  3. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image018.png
    - (2x

Question Number 9: Calculate these numbers as roots: …(6marks, 2 for each part)

  1. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image022.png
  2. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image024.png
  3. C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image026.png

Question Number 10: What is the net price you will pay if you purchased a T.V had the list price as USD 1000 and you get three series discounts: 5% for season, 10% for VIP customer, and 15% for loyalty program. …(6marks)

Question Number 11: There are 90 students in your class, 1/6 of them went to the festival, how many student stay in the class? …(6marks)

Question Number 12: Simplify this formula: …(6marks)
-3m x (-2m) – (-2m x m) +
x 9

Question Number 13: If Sam's age after 10 years will be triple times of his age before 6 years, how old is he right now? …(6marks)

Question Number 14: Look at this (exam-marks') table and calculate the next statistic parameters: …(17marks)

  1. Calculate the mean. (2marks)
  2. Calculate the median. (2marks)
  3. Calculate the range. (2marks)
  4. Calculate the IQR. (2marks)
  5. Calculate the Standard Deviation and variance. (3marks)
  6. Look at the values of mean and median, what do you note? Explain it. (2marks)
  7. Look at the values of range and IQR, what do you note? Explain it. (2marks)
  8. Look at Standard Deviation value, what this means? (2marks)


A total of 95 out of 100 points are allocated to the above 14 questions. The remaining 5 points will be awarded for submitting complete PT3 form and for the word count.
You must attach the following PT3 Form with your TMA.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
14 أكتوبر 2014
An ICT system consists of two mobile phones connected together using a mobile network, at the same time one of the mobile phones is connected to a scanner via the WiFi Network. The users of two mobile phones access to FlipDrive Server via internet for uploading and sharing files. Answer the following questions:

  1. Draw a system map for the above ICT system? (11 Marks)
  2. Draw a block diagram for the above ICT system? (16 Marks)

Question Two (13 Marks)
In Block 2 Part 3 you learnt about many wireless technologies, but still there is more. Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) uses unused or white spaces within the television bands between 54 and 862 MHz. Search the web to answer the following.

  1. What is the standard family of WRAN? (2 Marks)
  2. What is the bandwidth of WRAN? (1 Mark)
  3. What is the user capacity for both downlink and uplink of WRAN? (2 Marks)
  4. What is the maximum distance of WRAN? (1 Mark)
  5. What is the maximum delay speard in µs of WRAN? (1 Mark)
  6. What is the topology used in WRAN? (1 Mark)
  7. List three applications of WRAN? (3 Marks)
  8. List two references you used to answer the above parts of question two. (Wikipedia is not counted) (2 Marks)
  9. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
    الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
    واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
14 أكتوبر 2014
First Semester 2015/2016

Tutor-Marked Assignment

Cut-Off Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Total Marks: 40

Question One (12 Marks)
Given the following spreadsheet which shows the population in several countries between 2011 and 2014 inclusive as stated in http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.
Use the excel file provided with the TMA file and answer the following questions.

Country Name Population in 2011 Population in 2012 Population in 2013 Population in 2014
Nigeria 164,192,925 168,833,776 173,615,345 178,516,904
France 65,338,149 65,635,082 65,920,302 66,201,365
Australia 22,340,024 22,728,254 23,125,868 23,490,736
Brazil 196,935,134 198,656,019 200,361,925 202,033,670
USA 311,721,632 314,112,078 316,497,531 318,857,056
Canada 34,342,780 34,754,312 35,158,304 35,540,419
China 1,344,130,000 1,350,695,000 1,357,380,000 1,364,270,000

a) Create a column chart taking into account the following chart options. (Paste the chart in the TMA file taking into consideration that all the following points are clear in the pasted version.)

1) A column chart

2) The x-axis represents the country name. (1Mark)
3) Series represents columns 2, 3, 4 and 5. (4Marks)

4) Write a chart title. (1 Mark)

5) Write a title for the x-axis. (1 Mark)

6) Write a title for the y-axis. (1 Mark)

7) Legend position in bottom. (1 Mark)

b) Based on the population data provided in the above table, can you predict what will happen for the population of the mentioned several countries in the coming years? (3 Marks)

Question Two (14 Marks)
Part 1 of Block 4 discussed telehealth for providing clinical health care at a distant. Teledentistry is a category of telemedicine field.

****** the web and answer the following.

a) Define Teledentistry? (2 Marks)

b) A typical store-and-forward teledentistry system consists of several devices, list three of them?
(6 Marks)

c) Teleconsultation through teledentistry can take place in a way such as “Store-and Forward Method”. Mention other two ways? (4 Marks)

d) List two references you have used in Teledentistry. (Wikipedia is not counted) (2 marks)

Question Three (14 Marks)
Consider a main system with unknown availability. Also, consider a backup system with an availability of 96.3% is used. (Assume the backup system comes into operation immediately if the main system fails.). The combined system with availability of 93.3147%.

Answer the following questions: (14 Marks)

a) Calculate the availability value of the main system? (8 Marks)

b) Calculate the unavailability value of the main system? (2 Marks)

c) Calculate the unavailability value of the backup system in two days? (4 Mar
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجب t215b

Part A: Cryptography (20 marks)

During the study of T215B course you have studied several algorithms of encryption. This part focuses on the basics encryption; use your own words to answer the following questions.

  1. Encryption: (6 Marks)
    • What is encryption?
    • What is it used for?
    • What are its advantages and disadvantages?

  1. Symmetric key cryptography: (6 Marks)
    • What is it?
    • What are its applications?
    • What are its advantages and disadvantages?

  1. Asymmetric key cryptography: (6 Marks)
    • What is asymmetric key cryptography and why it is usually called public key cryptography?
    • What are its applications?
    • What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Note: you need to provide reliable references to your answer

Part B: Two Square Cipher (30 marks)

A two-square cipher [1] is a modification of the Playfair cipher and provides slightly better security of communication by encrypting the plaintext based on digraph principle which you studied in the Cease Cipher with Digraph.
This task aims to assist you in learning more about the two-square cipher. Your answer for this task should be as report which starting with introduction and ending with conclusion, the report should be within 1000 – 1200 words (long report, you should adhere to word count), the report must have proper citations and references. The body of your report should answer the following questions:

  1. Define two-square cipher? (6 marks)
  2. List the two varieties of the two-square cipher? (2 marks)
  3. Describe the two-square encryption steps? (10 marks)
  4. Describe the two-square cipher decryption steps? (4 marks)
  5. The security of the two-square cipher cryptosystem has several advantages and disadvantages, list two advantages and two disadvantages? (4 marks)
Your answer should be within the range of (1000 – 1200) words count. (2 marks)
You should provide at least one figure or table. (2 marks)

Part C: Two Square Cipher Algorithm - Encryption (30 marks)

This part is a practical one. Based on the previous study of the two square cipher algorithm in Part B, you have to test the algorithm in order to obtain the correct ciphertext by following the next steps.

  1. The first step of encryption is preparing the plaintext. The plaintext is your first, second and sure names, then select the first 12 letters of the name. (6 marks)
  2. Use the two keywords “retreats” and “enemies” to generate two mixed squares one on top of the other of size 5x5, letters of alphabets are arranged line by line starting from the top left corner, the letter ‘x’ is dropped. You should provide the two resultant mixed squares letters as two strings, one each line. (12 marks)
  3. Using the Two Square cipher algorithm, encrypt the plaintext of question 1 part C based on the generated two mixed squares of question 2 part C. (12 marks)
Your answer should be detailed, you should show each output of each step of the algorithm besides the final answers.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
14 أكتوبر 2014
t215a حل واجب
Question 1
This question carries 30% of the marks for this assignment.
Internet security systems are becoming increasing important since the threats to internet security are becoming ever more sophisticated. Also, more and more businesses are being conducted suing the internet and hence to safeguard the internet resources against malicious attacks is extremely important. Using the internet and other resources (e.g., books and AOU e-library), write a short report explaining the following factors:
Describe a computer virus in the con**** of internet security. Discuss the damage that a computer virus can cause to a computer system. Also discuss the security measures that are commonly implemented to safeguard against computer viruses. (6 marks)
Describe a computer worm in the con**** of internet security. Discuss the damage that a computer worm can cause. (6 marks)
Discuss the term computer hacking. Discuss the ethical issues concerning computer hacking.
(6 marks)
Describe briefly, a firewall in the con**** of internet security. Discuss the Application Layer Firewall and the Network Layer Firewall in your report. (6 marks)
Short Report Writing:
Please adhere to the following guidelines for writing your report:
Your report should be between 500 and 600 words in length. Under-length and over-length reports will be penalized.
(Block 1 – Part 7; Block 2 – Part 7 and Block 3). (2 marks)

Question 2:
This question carries 40% of the marks for this assignment.
WLAN “Wireless local area network” enables devices to communicate with each other without the constraints of connecting cables. Wireless LANs use radio signals as the communication medium instead of wires. WLAN standards are specified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and known as the IEEE 802.11 family of standards for wireless LANs. Using the internet and other resources (e.g., books and AOU e-library), write a report explaining the following factors:
What standards are contained in the IEEE 802.11 wireless family? (6 marks)
Describe briefly, at least three common and frequent attacks made on WLAN networks?
(6 marks)
In the con**** of network security what do we mean by “tunneling”? How it works? Provide your explanation with a diagram. (9 marks)
Explain briefly, at least, three common protocols and methods used to secure WLAN transmissions? (9 marks)
Report Writing:
Please adhere to the following guidelines for writing your report:
Your report should be between 800 and 1000 words in length. Under-length and over-length reports will be penalized.
Your report should include at least two figures and/or tables. Do not forget to include a caption for each figure/table and to use cross-referencing. (3 Marks)
Ensure that your report meets the objectives, has an appropriate structure and style, and that its technical level is appropriate for the audience, purpose and medium. For more details, you can refer to the T215 ****books (Block 1 – Part 7; Block 2 – Part 7 and Block 3). (4 marks)
You must cite all the references i.e. any internet *** site, book, journal, article etc. that you have used as a source of information for your report (3 marks)
You are advised to remind yourself of the issues concerning plagiarism.

Question 3:
This question carries 30% of the marks for this assignment. Answer all of the following parts:
1. WEP is part of the original 802.11 standard for wireless LAN and provides an optional encryption procedure. What is the main aim of WEP? Explain how WEP works and how its encryption scheme works. (8 marks)

2. Suppose a memory card is used that can store 16 GB. What is the smallest compression ratio that a user can set the camera to if he wants to store 4000 photos on the card and the raw photo size is 16 MB? (Assume 1 GB=1000 MB) (6 marks)

3. If eight users are connected to a wireless network that offers a maximum data rate of 200 Mbit/s and a throughput of 40%, what is the typical average practical message data rate available for each user? (8 marks)

4. From your study of GSM mobile telephony system, state four essential features of this digital mobile system? (8 marks)
End of TMA questions

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:T215A , T215B , T324 , T175A , T175B

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية

فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين