حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 2015 tma مع الشرح النموذجي حلول واجبات مميزة<aou>

14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

مقرر SP 334 طرق تدريس ذوي صعوبات التعلم
موضوعات الواجب
الموضوع الأول : (10 درجات)
يُعتبر الاستيعاب القرائي مشكلة أساسية للعديد من ذوي صعوبات القراءة، لذا يحتاج هؤلاء الطلبة الى تعلم استراتيجيات تساعدهم على فهم واستيعاب النصوص التي يقرؤونها، في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه الاستراتيجيات بالتفصيل كما بينها مجلس القراءة الوطني (2000).
الموضوع الثاني : (10 درجات)
هناك الكثير من المبادئ التي يمكن أن تؤدي الى تدريس الرياضيات بشكل فعّال، منها الانتقال من المحسوس إلى المجرد وتوفير الفرص للممارسة وتدريس المفاهيم والحقائق الرياضية في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه المبادئ بالتفصيل مستعينا بإحدى الدراسات العملية في هذا الخصوص.

مقرر SP 334 طرق تدريس ذوي صعوبات التعلم
موضوعات الواجب
الموضوع الأول : (10 درجات)
يُعتبر الاستيعاب القرائي مشكلة أساسية للعديد من ذوي صعوبات القراءة، لذا يحتاج هؤلاء الطلبة الى تعلم استراتيجيات تساعدهم على فهم واستيعاب النصوص التي يقرؤونها، في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه الاستراتيجيات بالتفصيل كما بينها مجلس القراءة الوطني (2000).
الموضوع الثاني : (10 درجات)
هناك الكثير من المبادئ التي يمكن أن تؤدي الى تدريس الرياضيات بشكل فعّال، منها الانتقال من المحسوس إلى المجرد وتوفير الفرص للممارسة وتدريس المفاهيم والحقائق الرياضية في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه المبادئ بالتفصيل مستعينا بإحدى الدراسات العملية في هذا الخصوص.

مقرر SP 340 العمل مع أسر غير العاديين
الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الأكاديمي 2014/2015
موضوعات الواجب
الموضوع الأول : (10 درجات)
تمثل النظرية بشكل عام مجموعة من الافتراضات المناسبة والمترابطة بطريقة منظمة تهدف الى فهم وتفسير ظاهرة معينة من اجل فهمها والتنبؤ بها وضبطها اذا امكن ذلك، ومن هذه النظريات نظرية التحليل النفسي والنظرية السلوكية والاتجاه المعرفي في الارشاد والعلاج النفسي،،، في ورقة علمية من خمس صفحات وضّح الفروق بين هذه النظريات الثلاث وتطبيقاتها العملية على ارشاد أسر ذوي الإعاقات.
الموضوع الثاني : (10 درجات)
تترك الإعاقة جملة من الآثار النفسية والاجتماعية على إخوة الطفل ذي الاعاقة، وتحدثت الكثير من الأدبيات المعاصرة عن هذه الآثار بالتفصيل، في ورقة علمية من خمس صفحات بيّن الاثار التي تتركها الإعاقة على إخوة الطفل ذي الاعاقة، ووضّح الدور الملقى على الوالدين للتخفيف من حدة هذه الاثار ومساعدتهم على تقبل إعاقة أخيهم.

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

EL 120: English Phonetics and Linguistics
TMA: Spring Semester 2014-2015
TMA: 20 Points
Cut-off date: Week 11 (April 25-30/ 2015)
(The exact date will be announced in time)

Prepared by Course Chair: Dr. Manar Shalaby

Proposed word length: 800 words

This TMA has two parts. You should answer BOTH questions in two separate essays each in about 400 words. Each essay will be marked out of 10 points.

Question 1:

Learning the description of consonants and vowels helps you to pronounce English sounds correctly and thus improves your spoken English. State how we describe English consonants and vowels. Start by explaining how letters differ from sounds, and how consonants differ from vowels. Support your answers with examples.
(Refer to Units 2-4)

Important Guidelines:

When you write on this topic, you can refer to the following ideas:

a. Difference between letters and sounds. (1 point)
b. Difference between consonants and vowels. (1 point)
c. How consonants are described. (3 pts)
d. How vowels are described. (3 pts)
e. Introduction and conclusion (1 point)
f. Reference citation (1 point)

Question 2:

Prosody is a feature of human spoken language. Define what prosody is; and clarify the three main components of prosody. Support your answers with examples.
(Refer to Unit 6)

Important Guidelines:

When writing on this topic, you can refer to the following ideas:

a. Definition of Prosody (1 point)
b. Definition of Stress, some of its rules and examples (3 points)
c. Definition of Rhythm, and examples (2 pts)
d. Definition of Intonation, and examples (2 pts)
e. Introduction and conclusion (1 point)
f. Reference citation (1 point)

• Use at least two sources from the e-library, the Internet, etc. to help you support your answers with definitions, examples, or others.

You could refer to some of the following references, but make sure to find some references of your own.

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

مقرر SP 334 طرق تدريس ذوي صعوبات التعلم
موضوعات الواجب
الموضوع الأول : (10 درجات)
يُعتبر الاستيعاب القرائي مشكلة أساسية للعديد من ذوي صعوبات القراءة، لذا يحتاج هؤلاء الطلبة الى تعلم استراتيجيات تساعدهم على فهم واستيعاب النصوص التي يقرؤونها، في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه الاستراتيجيات بالتفصيل كما بينها مجلس القراءة الوطني (2000).
الموضوع الثاني : (10 درجات)
هناك الكثير من المبادئ التي يمكن أن تؤدي الى تدريس الرياضيات بشكل فعّال، منها الانتقال من المحسوس إلى المجرد وتوفير الفرص للممارسة وتدريس المفاهيم والحقائق الرياضية في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه المبادئ بالتفصيل مستعينا بإحدى الدراسات العملية في هذا الخصوص.

مقرر SP 334 طرق تدريس ذوي صعوبات التعلم
موضوعات الواجب
الموضوع الأول : (10 درجات)
يُعتبر الاستيعاب القرائي مشكلة أساسية للعديد من ذوي صعوبات القراءة، لذا يحتاج هؤلاء الطلبة الى تعلم استراتيجيات تساعدهم على فهم واستيعاب النصوص التي يقرؤونها، في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه الاستراتيجيات بالتفصيل كما بينها مجلس القراءة الوطني (2000).
الموضوع الثاني : (10 درجات)
هناك الكثير من المبادئ التي يمكن أن تؤدي الى تدريس الرياضيات بشكل فعّال، منها الانتقال من المحسوس إلى المجرد وتوفير الفرص للممارسة وتدريس المفاهيم والحقائق الرياضية في ورقه علمية وضّح هذه المبادئ بالتفصيل مستعينا بإحدى الدراسات العملية في هذا الخصوص.

مقرر SP 340 العمل مع أسر غير العاديين
الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الأكاديمي 2014/2015
موضوعات الواجب
الموضوع الأول : (10 درجات)
تمثل النظرية بشكل عام مجموعة من الافتراضات المناسبة والمترابطة بطريقة منظمة تهدف الى فهم وتفسير ظاهرة معينة من اجل فهمها والتنبؤ بها وضبطها اذا امكن ذلك، ومن هذه النظريات نظرية التحليل النفسي والنظرية السلوكية والاتجاه المعرفي في الارشاد والعلاج النفسي،،، في ورقة علمية من خمس صفحات وضّح الفروق بين هذه النظريات الثلاث وتطبيقاتها العملية على ارشاد أسر ذوي الإعاقات.
الموضوع الثاني : (10 درجات)
تترك الإعاقة جملة من الآثار النفسية والاجتماعية على إخوة الطفل ذي الاعاقة، وتحدثت الكثير من الأدبيات المعاصرة عن هذه الآثار بالتفصيل، في ورقة علمية من خمس صفحات بيّن الاثار التي تتركها الإعاقة على إخوة الطفل ذي الاعاقة، ووضّح الدور الملقى على الوالدين للتخفيف من حدة هذه الاثار ومساعدتهم على تقبل إعاقة أخيهم.

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

LB160: Professional Communication Skills for Business Studies
PART 1 (10 points)
• To check the student’s skill in applying SWOT when analyzing a case study (B1S4, pp122).

Learning Outcomes (B1S4, pp.109)
• To look at how different framing techniques- including a new one called SWOT- can help in problem identification.
• To practice using these techniques in writing your own problem analysis.

In about 300 – 400 words, write an essay analyzing the below case study using the SWOT framework.

Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.

PART II (10 points)

‘Downsizing is the process of purposely becoming smaller by reducing the size of the workforce or shedding divisions or businesses.’ Moorhead, G & Griffin, R. W.,(1998)” “Managing People and Organizations’ in “Organizational Behavior” p.35
Choose an organization, preferably in your country, and discuss the effects of downsizing on the organization and the employees (two effects each) in a well-written essay of around 500 words.
At least 2 outside resources are to be used. The resources are to be submitted to the tutor. The criteria on pp. 50-53 of B2S2 should be observed while locating source material.

Tutor Marked Assignment (2014-2015, 2nd semester)
Cut-off Date: April 28, 2015

[100 marks]
The TMA:
Income (Y) in an economy flows from one part to another whenever a transaction takes place. New spending (C) generates new income (Y), which generates further new spending (C), and further new income (Y), and so on. Spending and income continue to circulate around the macro economy in what is referred to as the circular flow of income.The circular flow of income forms the basis for all models of the macro-economy, and understanding the circular flow process is key to explaining how national income, output and expenditure is created over time.
The following diagram shows the circular flow for an economy. It illustrates the interaction of firms and household in markets. This TMA requires you to write a structured essay in which you try to use this diagram to illustrate the flow of spending and money in the economy. Your essay can be written through the following guidance:

Guidance notes for TMA
For this TMA you are required to write a structured essay of no more than 1000 words. This means that your TMA should be in four steps:
Step 1:
Review the chapter material. This TMA is about the nature of the circular flow of income, so you may want to review the section “The Circular of Income”, which begins on page 312 of your text book Economics and Economic Change. Provide brief explanation about the circular flow showing its importance in measuring economy. (20 points)
Step 2:
Use the above diagram to illustrate the interaction of firms, government and households in markets. Explain the flow of spending and money in the economy. How can we measure GDP as the total income received by households? What is the relationship between firms and the government?How the interaction is made between the financial system and the rest of the world? (50 points)
Step 3:
Economists use GDP to measure total production in the economy. For that purpose, we would like GDP to be as comprehensive as possible. Discuss whether there are shortcomings in GDP as a measure of total production and as a Measure of well-being. (30 points)
Your essay should be within the specified range of words, and you must follow the Harvard Style of Referencing. You are expected to present a well structured and organized piece of work that is of your own. Plagiarism will be penalized by deduction of marks. The assessment of the quality of your essay will be based on how you impress the reader (grader) about your knowledge and understanding of the topic. Attempt to use your own words and avoid using copy-paste. Your TMA should be attached with the following PT3form.
Good luck..

Tutor Marked Assignment (2014-2015, 2nd semester)
Cut-off Date: April 27, 2015

[100 marks]
This TMA expects you to produce an essay d on what you have learned in your DD202A course, chapters four and five, “Economics and Economic Change”. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall continuous assessment. This TMA requires you to apply the course concepts to your own experience and to discuss the economic change of such an application.
The TMA is intended to:
• Develop your evaluative skills in analysing factors that affect demand and supply in competitive and monopoly markets and to examine the relationships between numbers of economic factors.
• Show how the relationship between demand and supply can be explained using the graphics.
The TMA:
This TMA requires you to write a structured essay in which you try to analyse the price changes in the oil market. The oil price has fallen from $115 a barrel in June 2014 to nearly $60 a barrel in February 2015. The OPEC, which controls nearly 40% of the world market, failed to reach an agreement, sending the price dropping. Unlike earlier oil price collapses, this time both demand and supply moved and both pushed the prices down. The question of this TMA is to discuss the factors that were responsible for dropping the oil price. Why is the price of oil falling? You are expected to write a well-structured essay in four parts and in no more than 1200 words considering the following guidelines.
Guidance notes for TMA
For this TMA you are required to write a structured essay of no more than 1200 words. This means that your TMA should be in the four parts indicated in the question above. It is acceptable to use headings for each of the four sections, but you should not number your paragraphs or include an executive summary or s sheet. For this TMA, part (a) can be considered as alent to the introduction to the essay and part (d) can be considered as the conclusion.

Part (a)
In this part you need to describe the oil market status and how it has changed during the last two or three years. Try to use this part as an introduction to your essay and provide a brief deion on the current world oil market trends d on the latest data. Give some figures that show the trends of oil prices during the last 5 years, which would enable you to analyse it in the following parts of your essay. It is probably best to spend no more than 250 words on this part. (20 points)
Part (b)
In this part of the TMA you are required to select course concepts from chapters 4 and 5, Economics and Economic Changes, book and use these concepts to analyse the situation described in part (a). You may discuss briefly a theory associated with the relationships between oil price movement and economic change, provide some conclusions from previous studies related to oil market movements and build the necessary theoretical background. Again this part should not exceed 250 words. (20 points)
Part (c)
This part of the TMA asks you to discuss the demand and supply factors that were responsible for changing prices in oil market. The oil price drops in the early 1980s were driven by increased supply from the North Sea; falling oil prices reflected slower economic growth. This time, there are several factors that might have affected both demand and supply sides resulting in a large drop in oil prices. Describe these factors using latest data from reliable sources. You may translate your data into diagrams to illustrate your findings. Show whether there is a shift in demand or in supply curves or both. You should spend no more than 500 words on this part of the TMA. (40 points)

Part (d)
This final part can be considered as a conclusion to your essay. This part of the TMA asks you to think about how the issues you have discussed in parts (a) (b) and (c) could have some socioeconomic implications upon the economic growth of your country, whether your country is exporting or importing oil. If you feel there are no socioeconomic implications whatsoever to this change, you should explain why you think this is the case. You should spend 150 to 200 words on this part of the TMA. (20 points)
Good luck..
Hassan Sharafuddin, PhD
Course Chair 

Course Title: Economics and Economic Change Course Code: DD202A

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

2014/2015 SEMESTER II

T205 B - TMA- Semester II - 2014– 2015

Question 01 (100 % marks)

(a) Read through the attached article “Organizational Structure: The Case of Toyota”. As you read through the article create one spray diagram to summarize the case content respecting the conventions, and techniques. It is advised that students submit hand drawn diagrams as opposed to computer generated ones. Photocopies of diagrams should not be accepted. Reflect on your diagram in no more than 200 words. (15% marks).
(b) Based on what you learned in T205B concept file 04 section II “Control”, and based on the content of the article, and taking “Fixing a failing structure” as your goal draw one closed loop control model diagram to show the various inputs, and the transformation process, that can lead to reaching this goal. You need to show all the components of the control model diagram, the inputs’, processes, control (actuator, comparator, sensor), that can lead to goal achievement . Reflect on your diagram (15% marks)

(c) Using an essay format of no more than 2500 words, and based on what you learned in T205B concept file 04 section I “Organizations are They Rational”, readings 01 and 07, section III “Structure”, section IV development, section V culture and climate, and section VI “Decision Making” and based on the ideas put forth by Taggart in the attached article:

1- Discuss the concept of organizational structure and assess which type of task related structure is required to meet Toyota’s communication needs. (Word Count 500; 15 Marks)
2- Discuss the concepts of organizational culture and climate and assess Toyota’s culture and climate. (Word count 400; 15 Marks)
3- Assess the extent to which Toyotas structure, culture and climate played a role in its failure to react to the defect problem, (Word count 400; 15 Marks).
4- Discuss the different perspectives on decision making and assess how the decision making process at Toyota has affected its ability to respond to the defect problem (Word count 400; 15 Marks).
5- Discuss the concept of organizational learning and assess whether Toyota is a learning organization; justify your answers with evidence from the case (300 words; 10 Marks).

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

B203 A: Business functions in context I
Using Sponsorship to increase brand awareness

Answer the following three questions:
Question 1 (30 marks, 300 words)
Analyze the difference between above-the-line and below-the-line promotional activities. Support your answer with an example of a specific organization that uses both types of promotional activities.
Question 2 (35 marks, 400 words)
Evaluate how partnering with Red Bull Racing and Sebastian Vettel had helped Infiniti to achieve its key marketing objectives of international growth.
Question 3 (35 marks, 400 words)
Using an organization other than Infiniti as an example, evaluate how the marketing mix elements are used to position the products within the minds of consumers.

B121: Managing in the Workplace

TMA: B121 – Managing in the work place.
Cutoff date: April, 25, 2015 unless otherwise indicated by the deanship


The aim of this TMA is to familiarize students with the theoretical understanding of how and why managers do what they do in organizations.

Short Business Case

UPS Store

The UPS Store grew out of United Parcel’s acquisition of Mail Boxes Etc. This acquisition happened in 2001. Mail Boxes Etc. providing copying services, a place for individuals to pick up their mail , and mailing services with firms such as UPS.This acquisition by UPS was intended to give the package delivery firm a retail connection. Thereafter, UPS allied itself with office Depot and Staples to provide shipping services in their stores. As a part of enhancing its services UPS has been consistently adding on-line tracking and other possible services.

The goal of developing these connections has been to create a seemless integration of technology that makes it easier for consumers to choose UPS. Thus, there was not a separate technology strategy, but instead, technology was a key part of what enabled the strategy.


Podmolik,M.E. 2004.UPS promotes commerce, supply chain capabilities. B to B,89 (12):18-20

TMA Questions

Answer the following questions, using an essay format, with reference to the above case study. You need to draw and use the theoretical concepts, techniques, principles and models which you have learned in B121: The Manager’s Good Study Guide and external resources like e-library resources.

Question 1. (200 words, 20 marks)

Identify the advantages and challenges of working with others in a technology mediated environment, with reference to the UPS store.

Question 2. (400 words, 40 marks)

Use your e-library search to find three articles that discusses techniques for group work. By integrating the ideas derived from the articles, write an essay on “Techniques for Group work”.

Question 3. (400 words, 40 marks)

3. Choose the organization you are working with or the one you are familiar with, and find the uses and experiences of Peer relationship as a strategy for learning at work, by interviewing at least five employees.

B301 B: Making Sense of Strategy II
SPRING Semester 2014 – 2015
For the purposes ofthis TMA you should imagine that you are the director for strategy and policy commission in your country (Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Sudan)
Following a rapid growth of Multinational Corporations- MNCs in your country, it was noticed that amongst other things:
ïƒک Many small business enterprises were closing down.
ïƒک Figures of imports were rising disproportionatelyto export figures.
ïƒک Rate of unemployment among the locals was rising
ïƒک The tenure of MNCs in the country was decreasing gradually.
As a strategist you are required to discuss:
1.Measures you would put in place to address each of the above four issues. (15x4= 60 Marks 2000 words)
2. Critically compare and contrast any MNCorganization and corporate parent organizationin your country based on their structure and strategy adopted by each of them. (40 marks 1000 words)
B301 A: Making Sense of Strategy I
SPRING- Semester 2014 – 2015
For the purposes of this TMA you should imagine that you are working as a strategist in an industry in your country. (Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt or Sudan) You have been asked to critically analyze the strategy adopted by any two *firms doing similar business in the same industry.
You are required to discuss:
1. Structure of the chosen industry (150 words Marks 10)
2. Why the two similar firms are different in their performance (350 words Marks 20)
3. Based on Question No.2 above you are required to discuss:
a) Strategy to be adopted by the high performing firm to sustain its competitive advantage. (1000 words Marks 35)
b) Strategy to be adopted by the low performing firm to improve its performance. (1000 words marks 35)
*You should choose, using any criteria, one firm that you believe is performing strongly and a second firm you believe is not doing so well

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

BE200 – Marketing Management
TMA 01

Case Study: Harley-Davidson

Few Brands engender such intense loyalty as that found in the hearts of Harley- Davidson owners. Long ago, Harley Davidson realized that the best way to create lasting relationships with its customers was to understand them on their own terms. The company spends a great deal of time and money in pursuit of that goal. It wants to know who its customers are, how they think and feel, and why they buy a Harley. That customer-centric strategy has helped build Harley-Davidson into a multibillion–dollar company with the largest company-sponsored owner’s group in the world.
Harley-Davidson has learned that it sells much more than motorcycles. The company sells a feeling of independence, individualism, and freedom. These strong emotional connections have made Harley- Davidson ownership much more of a lifestyle than merely a product consumption experience. To support that lifestyle, Harley- Davidson recognizes that its most important marketing tool is the network of individuals who ride Harleys. For this reason, Harley- Davidson engages its customer base through company-sponsored travel adventures, events, and other things, such as clothes and accessories both for riders and those who simply like to associate with the brand.
Answer the following questions:
Question 1: (30 Marks)
The first four steps in the marketing process involve building customer relationships. The final step involves capturing value in return.
a. Describe what is meant by customer relationship management (5 Marks)
b. Explain how does Harley-Davidson build long-term customer relationship? (10 Marks)
c. Describe the five marketing management concepts and explain which one describes best Harley- Davidson marketing strategy? (15 Marks)
Word count: 400 words
Question 2: (35 Marks)
a. Explain the difference between marketing segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning (15 Marks)
b. Compare and contrast undifferentiated, differentiated and concentrated targeting strategies. Which strategy do you think is the best? (12 Marks)
c. Based on the case and on your personal information, explain in details who are the segments targeted by Harley-Davidson. (8 Marks)
Word count: 300 words
Question 3: (35 Marks)
a. Explain and analyze the decision process buyers of motorcycles go through before purchasing their motorcycle. (15 Marks)
b. Do Harley-Davidson fans go through the same process? Explain. (10 Marks)
c. How might a marketer influence a consumer’s information search through each of the four information sources of the decision process? (10 Marks)
Word count: 400 words

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حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

BE322 – Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
TMA - Spring 2014-2015

Siblings Rob 37 and Julie 36, work in their family’s $15 million medical products firm. Both are capable leaders and have experienced success in their respective areas of responsibility. Compared to Julie, Rob is more introverted, more thorough and methodical in his planning, and much better with detail and follow-up. In contrast, Julie is more creative, more extroverted and stronger in interpersonal skills. Since childhood, they have been rather competitive in their relationships. Their 62-year-old father is considering retirement and the possibility of co-leadership, with each child eventually holding a 50% ownership in the company.

Question 1: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the co-leadership idea? Would you favor it or reject it? Justify your answer. (300 words – 25 marks)

A young journalist is contemplating launching a new magazine that will feature wildlife, plant life and nature around the world. The prospective entrepreneur intends for each issue to contain several feature articles – about the dangers and benefits of forest fires, the features of Rocky Mountain National Park, wildflowers found at high altitudes, and the danger of acid rain, for example. The magazine will make extensive use of color photographs, and its articles will be technically accurate and interestingly written. The proposed publication will avoid articles dealing with the general culture and confine itself to topics related to the natural world. Suppose you are a prospective investor examining a business plan prepared by this journalist.

Question 2: What details and important points would you look for in the business plan of this young entrepreneur? (250 words - 25 marks)

Question 3: Do you think this entrepreneur would need to raise closer to $1 million or $10 million in startup capital? Justify your answer.(150 words – 15 marks)

Question 4: Write a paragraph of 400 words, describing your personal qualifications and traits personality that are in favor of launching a new business at your country: Automobile retailing store. Then conduct a SWOT analysis of your regional market for this kind of small businesses. (350 words – 35 marks)

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

B203 B: Business functions in context II
Second Semester 2014 – 2015
Delivering a superior customer service
Why is customer focus so important?
Recognising the people behind the promise
Essay Question (100 marks)
Write an essay to evaluate how developing employees enables an organization to benefit customers through delivering superior customer service. In your essay make sure to discuss all the following points:
1- Definition of customer service
2- The difference between training and development
3- The benefits of training and development
4- Potential drawbacks of training and development
5- The contribution that employees can make to the brand image of the organization
6- Potential performance indicators that an organization could use to measure the level of customer service
7- Relevant examples
(1000-1300 words)

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

T325: Technologies for digital media

__________________________________________________ ____________________________

Tutor-marked Assignment
__________________________________________________ ____________________________

T325: TMA, Spring 2014-2015 Cut-off date: April 30, 2015

__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Total Marks: 100

Question 1 (30 marks)……………………………………………………
Question 2 (70 marks)……………………………………………………

Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations.

Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA work):
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized any other person's work. I have provided all references of information that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.
Name of Student:………………………………..

Question 1
This question carries 30% of the marks for this assignment
Using the AOU e-library and/or any internet reliable resource (you are encouraged to use Google Scholar for scientific research), select a recent scientific publication that presents a digital watermarking algorithm/technique. You should refer to your course tutor to validate your selection. The selected paper after reading the paper , you are asked to answer the following questions.
1. List the following information about the paper (6 marks)
a. Paper title
b. Paper Author(s)
c. Type of publication (conference, journal, master thesis, PhD thesis, technical report, etc.)
d. Information of the publication type (conference name, journal name, etc.)
e. Publication date
2. In Block 2 - Part 4, you have seen that there are a number of requirements for a digital watermarking algorithm (you can refer to Block 2 - page 117 or to the corresponding PowerPoint slides). Based on your thorough reading of the selected paper, you are asked to explain – using your own words- how the authors of the paper addressed these requirements (you should at least consider four requirements). The outcome of this question should be as follows:
a. List the four selected requirements (4 marks)
b. Explain how the selected paper addressed each of these requirements (20 marks)
Mark deduction: The following mark deduction will be applied:
- Up to twelve marks for not using your own words
- Two mark for exceeding the word count limit (700 words)
Question 2
This question carries 70% of the marks for this assignment

The purpose of this question is to provide you with a hands-on practice on some of the cryptographic primitives that you have seen in Block 2- part 2. In particular the symmetric, asymmetric and hybrid encryption algorithms. In order to do so, you will be using a teaching cryptographic tool named Cryptool.
CrypTool – as introduced by its developers - is a “comprehensive free educational program about cryptography and cryptanalysis offering extensive online help and many visualizations”. In order to complete this question, you need to install CrypTool-1 on your personal computer/notebook. You can download it from the Cryptool-1 download page [2]. The software will also be made available on the Moodle course website. Alternatively, you may use computers located in the computer lab which have CrypTool-1 already installed on them (refer to your course coordinator regarding the Moodle course website and the computer lab information).
A hybrid cryptosystem is a combination of symmetric and asymmetric system designed to solve the limitations of each type of cryptosystem while combining their advantages. In this exercise, you will be using a hybrid cryptosystem consisting of the combination of AES (symmetric) and RSA (asymmetric) cryptosystems.
1- Prepare plaintext file (2 marks)
a. Create a text file (.txt) that will serve as a file to encrypt using the hybrid cryptosystem. This file should include your first/last name and your student ID in the first line and any other text of your choice. Save this file as “plaintext-xxxx.txt” (xxxx should be replaced with your student ID, for instance if the student ID is 090011, the file name will be plaintext-090011.txt).
2- Run Cryptool
3- Generate RSA key pair: (10 marks)
a. From the menu bar, click on the menu item: Digital Signatures/PKI -> PKI -> Generate/Import Keys, and follow the steps to generate RSA Key pairs (2048 bits). Use your last and first name as identifiers and use 1234 as a PIN code. (You should explain the role of this PIN code in your answer)
4- Export key pairs (8 marks)
a. After generating the keys, click on “Show Key Pairs” Button and from the next window, Select the key you have generated in step 3 and click on export “PSE (PKCS#12)”. Again use 1234 as the PIN code. (You should explain why there are two PIN codes in your answer).
b. Save the file as “privatekeys-xxxx.p12” (xxxx should be replaced with your student ID, for instance if the student ID is 090011, the file name will be privatekeys -090011.p12).
5- Hybrid cryptosystem: encryption process (35 marks)
a. Open the plaintext file you have created in step 1. Then, click on the following menu Item: Encrypt/Decrypt -> Hybrid -> RSA-AES encryption. This will show you the process of the hybrid encryption (Figure 1).
b. Using your own words, explain how a hybrid key cryptosystem works. (8 marks)
c. Encrypt the plaintext file using the hybrid RSA-AES cryptosystem. During this process, you will use the public key that you have generated in 3. Explain each step of the process. Screenshots should highlight the progress of the encryption process and the output of each step (session key, Asymmetric keys, encrypted document, encrypted session key, and final output). You should explain each of the outputs. (25 marks)
d. Save the encrypted file as “ciphertext-xxxx.txt” (xxxx should be replaced with your student ID, for instance if the student ID is 090011, the file name will be ciphertext -090011.txt).(2 marks)
6- Hybrid cryptosystem: Decryption process (15 marks)
a. Open the ciphertext file you have created in step 5.d. Then, click on the following menu Item: Encrypt/Decrypt -> Hybrid -> RSA-AES decryption, and follow process of the hybrid encryption (Figure 1). Explain each step of the process (screenshot for each step with explanation).

Figure 1. Hybrid Cryptosystem - Encryption process

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

T215B /4 2014-2015/Secon1 d
Faculty of Computer Studies T215B Communication and Information Technologies – Part B

T215B /4 2014-2015/Secon2 d
Part A: Vigenère cipher and Caesar cipher with digraph coding (20 marks) You have studied several algorithms of encryption during your study of T215B course. This part focuses on two types of encryption algorithms; Vigenère cipher and Caesar cipher with digraph coding. Use your own words to answer the following questions. 1. Define Vigenère cipher and Caesar cipher with digraph coding (4 marks) 2. List two advantage of Caesar cipher with digraph coding over the traditional Caesar cipher. (4 marks) 3. List two disadvantage of Vigenère cipher. (4 marks) 4. How the drawbacks of Vigenère cipher can be solved, give your answer in details? (8 marks) Note: You should provide proper references and use citation (2 marks) Part B: RSA Cryptosystem (40 marks) RSA [1][2] is a symmetric-key algorithm for the encryption, which you studied briefly in T215B. This task aims to assist you in learning more about the RSA. Your answer for this task should be as report which starting with introduction and ending with conclusion, the report should be within 1000 – 1200 words (long report, you should adhere to word count), the report must have proper citations and references. The body of your report should answer the following questions: 1. Define RSA? (5 marks) 2. Mention briefly the history of RSA? (2 marks) 3. Describe the key generation of the RSA algorithm? It is preferable to answer it as a list of points. (11 marks) 4. Describe the RSA Encryption step? (8 marks) 5. Describe the RSA Decryption step? (4 marks) 6. The security of the RSA cryptosystem is based on two mathematical problems, list and define them? (6 marks)
T215B /4 2014-2015/Secon3 d
Your answer should be within the range of (1000 – 1200) words count. (2 marks) Any extra words mean deduction of marks. You should provide at least one figure or table. Part C: RSA – Key Generation and Encryption (30 marks) This part is a practical one. Based on the previous study of RSA in Part B, you have to test the algorithm of Key Generation, Encryption, and Decryption. 1. ASCII code is a fixed-length coding scheme. Using the 7-bit ASCII code table [3] or any other references, find the corresponding code for the first letter of your first name (Y), this number should be expressed in decimal format. Based on that, find two prime numbers such that the first number is the largest prime number which is less than (Y), and the second prime number is the smallest prime number which is greater than (Y). (For example: if Y = 11 then the first prime number is 7 and the second one is 13.(10 marks) 2. Based on the understanding of Question 3 of Bart B, use the two prime numbers calculated in the previous question to generate the private and public keys using the RSA-key generation algorithm. (12 marks) Your answer should be detailed, you should show each output of each step of the algorithm besides the final answers. 3. Use the value (Y), which you find in question 1 of Part C, to encrypt it by RSA encryption algorithm based on the understanding of Question 4 of Bart B, use the generated keys of Q2 – Part C to encrypt the message (Y) of Q1 – Part C using the RSA encryption algorithm. (5 marks) Your answer should be detailed, you should show each output of each step of the algorithm besides the final answer. 4. List two practical applications of RSA? (3 marks) REFERENCES: [1] Avi Kak. "Public-Key Cryptography and the RSA Algorithm", Lecture Notes on “Computer and Network Security”, February 19, 2015.

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجب tu170 fall 2015/2016

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

متوفر الان حلول TU170
Tutor-marked Assignment – Fall 2015-2016
Cut-off date: Dec 6, 2015
Total marks: 20
Submitting your work
This TMA should be submitted to your tutor electronically through the LMS system before the
cut-off date indicated above. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your work is
submitted in the correct format. Anything submitted after the midnight deadline will not count
for assessment purposes.
The TMA is marked out of 20, for the continuous assessment grade.
It consists of 4 questions. The total marks for each question are shown at the beginning of each
question. The marks allocated to each part of a question are indicated in the margin.
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and
avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection.
You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person's work in your TMA.
You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations.
Important note: Before you start working with this assignment, you need to refer to the
plagiarism tutorial posted in LMS.
By submitting the TMA through the LMS system, you are declaring that this submitted TMA work
is a result of your own efforts and you have not plagiarized any other person's work.
Arab Open University
Faculty of Computer Studies
TU170 Computing Essentials
Page 2 / 4
Part 1 [5 marks]
Use the common forum in LMS, in TU170 page, to initiate a discussion and to share your ideas with your classmates about one of the following topics:
Two or three principals (guidelines) you may follow when sending an email
Difference between Web and Internet
Uses of supercomputers
E- commerce
You should provide screenshots (NOT copy and paste) of all the thread messages in your solution for this part. The thread must contain at least ten messages; five of them should be yours.
Part 2 [4 marks]
1. Why we need plug-ins when surfing the Web? [2 marks]
2. Provide brief information about GUI history. [2 marks]
For each question you must use your own words, within the range of 80-120 word count.
Part 3 [3 marks]
In your LMS, search the e-library using one of the keywords Blended Learning or Plagiarism.
For this part you are required to:
Copy at least two paragraph from any source selected. [0.5 mark]
Provide the reference of your source. It must be a link directing the user to the source. [0.5 mark]
Provide two screenshots of:
List of hits (the result that contains the keyword). [1 mark]
The source you have selected. [1 mark]
Page 3 / 4
Part 4 [4 marks]
1. Use MS Excel and the values in figure 1 to create two charts:
- A column chart representing the number of internet users against each year.
- A line graph representing the percentage of users’ growth against each year.
For this part, you need to provide ONLY screenshots of the two charts. You may refer to Lab2 tutorials to solve this part. [2 marks]
Internet Users
Users Growth
World Population
Population Growth
Penetration (% of Pop. with Internet)
Figure 1: Internet Users in the World.
Source: Internet Live Stats (elaboration of data by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations Population Division)
2. Open your email (if you don’t have an email account, you can create a new one using one of the webmail providers such as Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail). Send an email to your tutor’s email address describing what are the computer essentials, knowledge, skills that you gained from studying the course TU170. You should use your own words.
For this question, you should provide one screenshot of the email sent to your tutor. [2 marks]
Sending an email to your tutor without providing a screenshot will not be counted when marking this question.
You should use your email account to send the email.
Minimum word count required for this part is 80.
Page 4 / 4
TMA presentation [4 marks]
The TMA word document must satisfy the following:
Header contains student’s name and id
Page numbering
Page borders
No grammar and spelling mistakes
How to submit the TMA
14 أكتوبر 2014
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

واتس اب: 966544050897+

ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora

واتس اب OO96654. ,,, OO96654.]
t103 2015/2016"

Perform the following base conversion with a maximum of six places to the right of the concerned point. Show your
complete work: [5 Marks]
I. (88.4)10 = ( )16
II. (C4.03)16 = ( )10
III. (712.2)8 = ( )10
IV. (10101011.001111)2 = ( )8
V. (EF.A1)16 = ( )8
Q2- Represent the following decimal numbers in binary using 8-bit signed magnitude, one’s complement, and two’s complement: [6 Marks]
I. 68
8-bit signed magnitude
one’s complement
two’s complement
II. -34
8-bit signed magnitude
one’s complement
two’s complement
Q3- What decimal value does the 8-bits binary number 10111100 have if: [4 Marks]
i- it is interpreted as unsigned number?

ii- it is on a computer using signed-magnitude representation?

iii- it is on a computer using one’s complement representation?

iv- it is on a computer using two’s complement representation?
Q4- Assume a simple model for floating-point representation is used, the representation uses a 14-bit format, 5 bits for the exponent, with a bias of 16, a normalized significant of 8-bits, and a single sign bit for the number: [10 Marks]
I. Show how the computer would represent the numbers [16.25] and [34.5] using this floating-point format. [4 marks]

II. Show how the computer would add the two floating-point numbers in part-I by changing one of the numbers so they are both expressed using the same power. [2 marks]

III. Show how the computer would represent the sum in part-II (above). [2 marks]

IV. What decimal value for the sum is the computer actually storing? [2 marks]
Q6- Consider the MARIE program below. [9 Marks]
Hex Address Label Instruction
200 Load X
201 ADD Y
203 SUBT Z
205 ADD W
207 HALT
208 X, HEX 00FC
209 Y, HEX 14
20A Z, HEX 0108
20B W, HEX 0000

i. List the hexadecimal code information for each instruction based on the following table. [5 marks]
Instruction AC IR MAR MBR PC
Load X
ii. Draw the symbol table along with their memory addresses. [2 marks]
iii. What is the output displayed when the program terminates? [1 mark]
iv. What is the value stored in the AC when the program terminates?[/SIZ
14 أكتوبر 2014
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:
M180, M256, M363, M150A, M150B, M275
M359, M129, M130, M131, M132, TT284
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -
وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم
حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

وسيتم سرد قائمه بأسماء المواد التي نقوم بتقديم الحلول النموذجية والمنفرده طبقا لنظام التشابه Turnitin الذي يضمن عدم تشابه الواجبات سواء من مصادر الانترنت او من بين
واجبات الطلاب و بعضها

مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة TU170
حل واجب مادة M150a
حل واجب مادة M150b
حل واجب مادة
حل واجب مادة M180
حل واجب مادة TT284
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة T324
حل واجب مادة T325
حل واجب مادة T490
حل واجب مادة M257
حل واجب مادة M275
حل واجب مادة t103
حل واجب مادة M105
حل واجب مادة T175a
حل واجب مادة T175b
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة M359
حل واجب مادة T471
حل واجب مادة M129
حل واجب مادة M131
حل واجب مادة M132
حل واجب مادة M130
حل واجب مادة M253
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

Faculty of Computer Studies
Course Code: M256
Course Title: Software Development with Java

Fall 2015-2016

Tutor Marked Assignment

Cut-Off Date: Total Marks:100

Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations.

Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA work):
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized any other person's work. I have provided all references of information that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.

Name of Student:
[h=3] [/h][h=3]Question 1 [15 Marks][/h]
Launch NetBeans and open the project called school, which should be located on your computer in the folder My Documents\M256\M256Code\Systems. Compile, run and then answer the following questions regarding it:
Assume that the DisplayTheOldest Pupils is one of the use cases of the school system. Which method is responsible for implementing the use case “Display The Teacher With Most Pupils”? In which class this method is identified? And then write the complete code of this method. [15 Marks]
[h=3] [/h][h=3]Question 2 [25 Marks][/h]
The first three phases of object-oriented software development are requirements specification, developing a conceptual model and developing dynamic models.
a) What are the main activities that take place in each phase mentioned above? [13 Marks]
b) What are the main input and output of each phase mentioned above? [12 Marks]
[h=3] [/h][h=3] [/h][h=3]Question 3 [30 Marks]:[/h]
The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is the most popular modelling language used in modern software engineering. Investigate the UML including some details of:
a) Most famous modelling languages before the rise of the UML. [6 marks]

b) UML gurus and their contributions to the language. [6 marks]

c) UML versions and standards. [12 marks]

d) The importance of the UML today. [6 marks]
[h=3] [/h][h=3]Question 4 [30 Marks][/h]
Using the AOU’s Library facility search for the regular paper “
Do design patterns impact software quality positively? and use it to answer the following questions:

a) What are design patterns? [6 marks]

b) In the paper, reusability was given two different definitions. What are these definitions? [6 marks]

c) According to the paper, what impact do design patterns have on the qualities Expandability, Reusability and Understandability? [6 marks]

d) According to the paper, what is the impact of the patterns Composite, Abstract Factory and Flyweight and on the quality of the systems? [6 marks].

e) Name four more design patterns mentioned in the paper. [6 marks]

-- End of Questions –

14 أكتوبر 2014
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:
M180, M256, M363, M150A, M150B, M275
M359, M129, M130, M131, M132, TT284
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -
وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم
حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

وسيتم سرد قائمه بأسماء المواد التي نقوم بتقديم الحلول النموذجية والمنفرده طبقا لنظام التشابه Turnitin الذي يضمن عدم تشابه الواجبات سواء من مصادر الانترنت او من بين
واجبات الطلاب و بعضها

مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة TU170
حل واجب مادة M150a
حل واجب مادة M150b
حل واجب مادة
حل واجب مادة M180
حل واجب مادة TT284
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة T324
حل واجب مادة T325
حل واجب مادة T490
حل واجب مادة M257
حل واجب مادة M275
حل واجب مادة t103
حل واجب مادة M105
حل واجب مادة T175a
حل واجب مادة T175b
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة M359
حل واجب مادة T471
حل واجب مادة M129
حل واجب مادة M131
حل واجب مادة M132
حل واجب مادة M130
حل واجب مادة M253
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

Faculty of Computer Studies
Course Code: M150A
Tutor Marked Assignment
Cut-Off Date: Total Marks: 60
Question 1 ……………………..…………………………………..……… 2
Question 2 ……………………………..………………..………………… 3
Question 3 ………………………………..………………..……………… 3
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations.
Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA work):
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized any other person's work. I have provided all references of information that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.
Name of Student:
Question1: (20 marks)
1. What does GPS stands for? Explain how does it work?
2. Traffic sign are represented in a complex way. Basic components were provided to facilitate their representation. List them.
3. Write down the proper term defined by each of the following definitions:
a. _________ is the range of numbers available to represent a pixel digitally.
b. _________ is a method for storing images in computer memory in which the image is divided into rows of pixels and each pixel is represented by certain fixed number of bits.
c. _________ are programs that allow us to draw and display vector graphics.
d. _________ are systems for constructing and displaying raster graphics.
4. What are the two mechanisms used to translate a program written in a high-level language into a machine language? Explain the two mechanisms.
Question 2: (20 marks)
1. Based on your JS programming knowledge in M150A, answer the following.
a. Write two points to improve the readability of your code?
b. Define the terms Boolean data type and Boolean expression
c. What is the difference between the operators = and = =
2. Use the truth table to prove the following Boolean expressions:
3. Find the decimal equivalence for the binary number (01100110)2 Show your steps.
4. For the following diagrams, mention and briefly explain each control instruction.
Question 3: (20 marks)
1. Consider a four-hour film to be displayed on a computer at 24 fps. Each frame is 420 x 270 pixels and a 24-bit RGB color encoding is being used.
a. How many bytes will be required to represent the whole film?
b. In how many gigabytes the film in (a.) can be represented?
2. Consider the following flowchart for an algorithm.
a. Use trace table to find the output y of the algorithm corresponding to the given x values: {-2, -1/2, 0, 1/2, 2}
b. How many conditions do you have in this algorithm?
c. Identify all the conditions in (b).
= x +1
= x -1
x, y

14 أكتوبر 2014

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:
M180, M256, M363, M150A, M150B, M275
M359, M129, M130, M131, M132, TT284
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -
وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم
حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

وسيتم سرد قائمه بأسماء المواد التي نقوم بتقديم الحلول النموذجية والمنفرده طبقا لنظام التشابه Turnitin الذي يضمن عدم تشابه الواجبات سواء من مصادر الانترنت او من بين
واجبات الطلاب و بعضها

مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة TU170
حل واجب مادة M150a
حل واجب مادة M150b
حل واجب مادة
حل واجب مادة M180
حل واجب مادة TT284
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة T324
حل واجب مادة T325
حل واجب مادة T490
حل واجب مادة M257
حل واجب مادة M275
حل واجب مادة t103
حل واجب مادة M105
حل واجب مادة T175a
حل واجب مادة T175b
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة M359
حل واجب مادة T471
حل واجب مادة M129
حل واجب مادة M131
حل واجب مادة M132
حل واجب مادة M130
حل واجب مادة M253
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

Fall 2015 M363 TMA Question 1

Faculty of Computer Studies
Course Code: M363
Course Title: Software Engineering with Objects
Tutor Marked Assignment
Cut-Off Date: 6, December 2015 Total Marks:80
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations.
Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA work):
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized any other person's work. I have provided all references of information that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.
This TMA should be submitted only as a Word File to your tutor electronically through the LMS before the cut-off date indicated above.
Name of Student:
Fall 2015 M363 TMA Question 2
Question 1 10 Marks
This question analyses the students’ general knowledge in Software Development
Models. Students need to check e-library or external resources to provide an
adequate answer to this question with proper referencing.
1.1 List and briefly describe any four Software Development Models
1.2 List two advantages and two disadvantages for each model
1.3 Provide examples of suggested systems developed by each model
1.4 Write a summary of your analysis
Question 2 10 Marks
This question assesses your theoretical understanding of units 1-6
Answer the following short answer questions
2.1 In the context of Software Engineering, differentiate between
coupling and cohesion by providing examples. Why does it help to
have high cohesion in the modules of a system?
2.5 Marks
2.2 What is a legacy system? Briefly describe any four characteristics of
a legacy system.
2.5 Marks
2.3 In object-oriented modeling: distinguish between objects and classes
2.5 Marks
2.4 There are some main problems associated with the development of
software. Mention any FIVE (5) of these problems with examples
2.5 Marks
Question 3 40 Marks
This question covers Units 1-5 of the course. It assesses your understanding of the
theoretical and practical concepts covered in those units.
Given a scenario of a multi store online website. Analyze the given scenario and
answer questions 3.1 to 3.8
A multi store website is designed to market variety of products, where sellers can make
various products available for customers to choose from by adding, modifying and
removing the products, a guest/ user can view all the products and they can add the
products to the shopping cart, where they can view the total cost of all the products, to
place an order users has to be registered, if the user is already registered he or she
should log in with valid credentials, website allow the users to pay online or pay on
delivery options, the website is designed to be responsive to various screen sizes and it is
secured by third part security services to secure user data. The website also displays
occasional based offers e.g. for birthday, wedding or other festivals. The website is
developed using minified version of css in order to load the web pages swiftly.
Fall 2015 M363 TMA Question 3
3.1 Identify any two business processes 2 Marks 3.2 Identify any two business rules 2 Marks
3.3 Identify any four functional requirements of the system? 4 Marks 3.4 Identify any four non-functional requirements and their types of the system? 4 Marks 3.5 How many actors is part of this system? 4 Marks 3.6 What are the use cases used in this system? 4 Marks 3.7 Draw a use case diagram for the given scenario 10 Marks 3.8 Draw an activity diagram of online payment service where user has to be registered in order to place an order and pay online use credit card. 10 Marks
Question 4 20 Marks This question assesses your understanding of practical knowledge of units 3-6 Given below is a scenario for a club and its activities. Analyze the scenario and answer questions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 A social recreation club has a system to keep track of club members, committees and activities. Each club has a registration number and a title. Committee is formed by several members. Members are male and females. Each committee has a name, a unique number and a date which the committee has formed. The system stores the members’ unique identification number, name, address, gender, birth date and club joining date. The club forms committees for different activities. A committee controls and organizes a number of activities, each of which has a unique name, a unique number and description of the event. An event has event ID and description of the event. An activity may consist of several events. Committee publishes many online advertisements about the activities. Advertisement details are ID and a title. 4.1 Identify the classes in the above scenario 3 Marks 4.2 Identify the attributes of each class 3 Marks 4.3 Draw a class diagram to represent the above scenario 14 Marks
14 أكتوبر 2014
اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:
M180, M256, M363, M150A, M150B, M275
M359, M129, M130, M131, M132, TT284
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -a_al_shora@hotmail.com)
وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
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يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
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مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة TU170
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يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
لدينا حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

M180: Data Structure and Algorithms in Java
Tutor-Marked Assignment (Fall 2015/2016)
Cut-Off Date:
Total Marks: 40
Warnings and Declaration………………………………………………………………………………..1
Question 1……………..……………………….………………………………………………………….2
Question 2 ………………..…………………………………………………………………………….….3
Question 3 ………….………..………………………………………………………………………….….4
Question 4 ………….…………..……………………………………………………………………….….4
Question 5 ………….…………..……………………………………………………………………….….4
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU
has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and
quote another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and
Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA work):
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not plagiarized any other
person's work. I have provided all references of information that I have used and quoted in my TMA work.
Name of Student:………………………………..
Arab Open University
Question 1: (10 marks)
Given the following method:
public void guessIt(Stack s, int[] arr1, int[] arr2){
Stack s1=new Stack();
Queue myQueue=new Queue();
int i=0, j=0;
int x=s.pop();
Consider that the arrays were initially empty, and the initial state of the stack was as follows:
a- What will be the elements of arr1 after executing the code?
b- What will be the elements of arr2 after executing the code?
c- Draw the stack s after executing the code.
d- Draw the queue myQueue after executing the code, indicating Front and Rear.
Question 2: (11 marks)
You are given a Node class and a List class:
public class Node
int data;
Node next;
public class List
Node first;
Given an array myArray and a linked list myList depicted in the following diagrams.
A- Write a code that takes the array and the list as arguments, and fills the first five nodes in the list
with the first five positive numbers in the array using a proper loop.
B- Draw the List after applying the code.
C- Draw the Final shape of the List after applying the code and the following statements as well:
Node p=first.next.next.next;
p.next.next.data= myArray[11];
Question 3: (6 marks) : For the following method findBigO:
a) Determine the step count of each line in this method (fill in the ??? places)
b) Find the Total of the total steps (T)
c) Deduce , at the end , the final time complexity (Big-O notation) .
Total Steps/
public static void findBigO(int [] x, int n) ???
{ 0
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) ???
x += 2; ???
int i = 1; ???
while (i <= n/2) ???
{ 0
x += x[i+1]; ???
i++; ???
} 0
} ???
Total T
Question 4: (8 marks)
Write a Java method that takes a Stack myStack as an argument. The method should empty the
stack and fill its elements in a doubly linked list myList , and returns this list.
N.B: Use header in your method.
Question 5: (5 marks) Given the code below, that includes a recursive method:
class recursion {
public static int func (int n) {
int result;
result = func (n - 1);
return result;
class Output {
public static void main(String args[]) {
recursion obj = new recursion() ;
a) Run the given code on your computer, and provide a screenshot to display the result.
b) Why do you think the output was like that?
End of Assessment
14 أكتوبر 2014
Question 1 (18 marks)
The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks chapters’ exam; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website.

There are 11 chapter exams for this question; all the exams have the same weight and are over 100. The tutor will download the grade of the exams from the Cisco website after the cut-off date.

Note 1: The average score is over 18.
Note 2: This table is for your own information; you can use the following formula to calculate your own average score for this question: [∑tests/1100]*18
∑tests = test1+ test2+…+test11
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
Test 9
Test 10
Test 11
Average score
over 18

Question 2 (12 marks)
The mark for this question is based on the score you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks final exam. You should submit the score show in your gradebook and calculate the average score as the answer to this question.

Note: The average score is over 12
Note2: Use the following formula to calculate your average score:[test/100]*12

Question 3 (19 marks)
This question allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the different number bases associated with CCNA1. In order to obtain the full mark you must provide the details. You might use a calculator to check that your answers are correct, however it will be very useful for you to be able to manipulate these numbers without the use of a calculator as the calculator Is not allowed in the Cisco final exam nor in the MTA or Final exam.

a. Convert each of the following binary numbers (in dotted binary form) to dotted decimal as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. You must show the details of the conversion of each number. (3.75 marks)

· 11000000.10101010.11101001.00010001
Note: marks will be allocated for the steps and details of the conversion for all the bytes; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 1 mark for the this question.

b. Convert the following dotted decimal numbers to dotted binary form as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. You must show the details of the conversion of each number.
(3.75 marks)

Note: marks will be allocated for the steps and details of the conversion for all the bytes; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 1 mark for the this question.
Note2: the byte should always be presented in 8 bits even if it starts with one or more "0"

c. Find the decimal result of ANDing the two decimal numbers as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. The decimal/binary conversion need to be shown; remember to show your working for the ANDing function.(2.5 marks)

· 177 AND 232
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in decimal.

d. Convert following hexadecimal number to decimal number as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. Remember that you should convert from hexadecimal to binary then from binary to decimal. You must show the details. (2.5 marks)

· 9C
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in decimal.

e. Convert following decimal number to hexadecimal number as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. Remember that you should convert from decimal to binary then from binary to hexadecimal. You must show the details. (2.5 marks)

· 210
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in hexadecimal

f. This question is related to IPv6 (4 marks)

i. Re-write the IPv6 address in a way to reduce the size (compressed) as mentioned in section 8.2.2 of IP addressing chapter 8. (refer to the activity of section (2 marks)

I. 216A:0AOU:7000:0000:0000:0001:0000:10CD
II. FE80:5000:0000:0000:0037:0000:0000:A001

ii. Subnetting an IPv6 network (this question is based on the chapter of CCNA1 "Introduction to networks") (2 marks)

Subnet the following IPv6 network (2001:AOU:216A:FFFF:/64) in order to have at least 9 networks; remember that you should submit on nibble boundaries ( a nibble is 4 bits)
Note: List the new subnets with their new prefix

Question 4 (16 marks)

This question covers subnetting networks covered in chapters8 “IP addressing” & 9 “Subnetting IP network”

a. Figure A shows the design of a network that is going to be implemented.(14 marks)

The details of the topology of the network are as follows:
· Net 1 LAN “Employee LAN”: has 30 PCs and 30 VoIP phones connected to 3 Switches*.
· Net 2 LAN “Server Farm LAN”: has 10 Servers connected to 1 Switch*.
· Net 3 LAN:“Admin LAN”: has 25 PCs and 3 Network printers connected to 1 Switch*.
· Net 4 LAN “Freelance LAN”: can accommodate at the same time up to 12 Laptops and 12 wireless devices connected to 1 access point*.
· Net 5 LAN “Wireless network”: can accommodate at the same time up to 20 Smart devices connected to 1 access point*
· Net 6 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 4 “R4”.
· Net 7 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 2 “R2”.
· Net 8 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 3 “R3”.

* the switches and access points should be accessed remotely.

Subnet the address block as appropriate to provide an efficient use of the addresses but at the same time providing sufficient addresses for all groups and links. Before you start determining the number of hosts for each network, please read the “Important Notes” section here after.

Design an addressing scheme for the company by completing a copy of Table 1.
You should complete one row for each different LAN/WAN links and use as your starting address. You should use subnet 0.

Important Notes:
· An IP address should be assigned to each switch in order to be able to configure/access it remotely.
· An IP address should be assigned to the access point in order to be able to configure/access it remotely.
· Your choices should make the most economical use of the address range
· You are not expected to send in a packet tracer file or to simulate the network in any way. You just need to copy and complete Table 1
· You can change the order to the Name of the LAN/WAN in table 1

Name of LAN/WAN
Network (subnet) address
Address range
Broadcast address
Subnet mask
Net 1

Net 2

Net 3

Net 4

Net 5

Net 6

Net 7

Net 8

Table 1 to be completed

b. From the address block used in part a list all the unused subnets. (2 marks)

Question 5 (17 marks)

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to program a network of Cisco switches using packet tracer. The Packet tracer file for this question is T216AFA15TMA01Q5.pkt will be found on the AOULMS (Moodle).

Configure your network as shown in figure B using (Command Line Interface) instructions. Your configuration should be complete as possible.

Note1: the Packet Tracer file should be returned to a special forum which will be specified by your tutor.
Note2: the packet tracer “configuration function” has been disabled so you will have to configure the routers through the CLI as if you were accessing them via the console interface or via telnet.
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration

Topology Diagram

[h=2]Addressing Table[/h]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Table 2

Note: XXXXXX is your ID (6 digits)

Put in practice what you have learned in Chapter 2 of CCNA-1: Introduction to Networks
· Perform basic device configuration task on switches S1 and S2
· Configure IP addressing setting on all network devices.
· Verify Layer 3 connectivity.

A. Perform basic device configuration on the switches (8 marks)

Configure switches S1 and S2 according to the following guidelines:
· Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 2)
· Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx
· Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner for examples: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device” or “This is a secure system. Authorized Access only” or “Legal action will be pursued for any unauthorized use”.
· Configure a password for console connections. “T216A
· Configure a password for vty connections; the password should be your first name
· Encrypt password display

Note: The switch should include your ID, example S1_123456
Note2: the privileged password should include your ID, example AOU_123456
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: "copy running-config startup-config"

  • The banner message should never welcome someone to the device. It should detail that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device.

List in the beneath tables the commands you used for each switch

The commands should include the command prompt as seen on the switch for example:
· S1_123456(config-if)#ip address (this is correct)
· ip address (this is incorrect)

Switch S1
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “T216A

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of S1

Switch S2
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “T216A

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”

B. Configure the Switch Virtual interface on the two switches (S1 and S2)
(Refer to table 2) (4 marks)
List, in the beneath table, the commands you used for each switch; the commands should include the command prompt.
Configure the management interface on S1

Configure the management interface on S2

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of S2

C. Configure the PC1 and PC2 Ethernet interfaces. (Refer to table 2) (1.5 marks)
You should use the following command in the command prompt section to configure the Ethernet interfaces of the PCs and laptops:

ipconfig ip_address subnet_mask

example: ipconfig

A print screen of the configuration done for each Ethernet interface should be included.

D. Test the connectivity between all the devices (all devices should be able to ping all the other devices) (1.5 marks)

Include a print screen of the result for each step (0.5 marks for each step)
Step 1: from PC1 ping S1
Step 2: from PC1 ping S2
Step 3: from PC1 ping PC1

Note: the ping should be successful for all the steps

E. Document the Configuration of switch S1 and Switch S2 (2 marks)

On each device, issue the show run command and capture the configurations.

Note: the result should be included in the assignment (for the two switches)

Question 6 (13 marks)

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to program a network of Cisco routers using packet tracer. The Packet tracer file for this question is T216AFA15TMA01Q6.pkt will be found on the AOULMS (Moodle).

Configure your network as shown in figure C using (Command Line Interface) instructions. Your configuration should be complete as possible.

Note1: the Packet Tracer file should be returned to a special forum which will be specified by your tutor.
Note2: the packet tracer “configuration function” has been disabled so you will have to configure the routers through the CLI as if you were accessing them via the console interface or via telnet.
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration

Topology Diagram

[h=2]Addressing Table[/h]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Table 3

Note: XXXXXX is your ID (6 digits)

[h=2]Objectives[/h]Put in practice what you have learned in Chapter 6 of CCNA-1: Introduction to Networks
· Perform basic device configuration task on a router.
· Configure IP addressing setting on all router interfaces.
· Verify Layer 3 connectivity.

A. Perform basic device configuration on the router and switches (4.5 marks)

Configure router R1 according to the following guidelines:
· Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)
· Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “SECTA_xxxxxx
· Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner for examples: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device” or “This is a secure system. Authorized Access only” or “Legal action will be pursued for any unauthorized use”.
· Configure a password for console connections. “possible
· Configure a password for auxiliary connections. “twist
· Configure a password for vty connections; the password should be your first name
· Encrypt password display

Note: The router should include your ID, example routerR1_123456
Note2: the privileged password should include your ID, example SECTA_123456
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: "copy running-config startup-config"

  • The banner message should never welcome someone to the device. It should detail that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device.
List in the beneath tables the commands you used for the router device.

The commands should include the command prompt as seen on the router for example:
· R1_123456(config-if)#ip address (this is correct)
· ip address (this is incorrect)
Router R1
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “SECTA_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “possible

Configure a password for auxiliary connections. “twist

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”

B. Configure the router interfaces (Refer to table 3) (4.5 marks)
List, in the beneath table, the commands you used for router R1; the commands should include the command prompt.
Configure interface Fa0/0
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.)
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Configure interface Fa0/1
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Configure interface Fa1/0
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of interface Fa1/0

C. Configure the PC1, PC2 and PC3 Ethernet interfaces. (Refer to table 3) (1.5 marks)
You should use the following command in the command prompt section to configure the Ethernet interfaces of the PCs and laptops:

ipconfig ip_address subnet_maskdefault gateway_address

example: ipconfig

A print screen of the configuration done for each Ethernet interface should be included.

D. Test the connectivity between all the devices (all devices should be able to ping all the other devices) (1.5 marks)

Include a print screen of the result for each step (0.5 marks for each step)
Step 1: from PC1 ping Interface Fa0/0
Step 2: from PC1 ping PC2
Step 3: from PC1 ping PC3
Note: the ping should be successful for all the steps

E. Document the Configuration of router R1 (1 mark)

On each device, issue the show run command and capture the configurations.

Note: the result should be included in the assignment

Question 7 (5 marks)

The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Routing and switching essentials chapters 1 to 3; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website.

There are 3 chapter exams for this question; all the exams have the same weight and are over 100. The tutor will download the grade of the exams from the Cisco website after the cut-off date.

Note 1: The average score is over 5
Note 2: This table is for your own information; you can use the following formula to calculate your own average score for this question: [∑tests/300]*5
∑tests = test1+ test2+test3
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Average score over 5

End of Question
Question 1 (18 marks)
The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks chapters’ exam; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website.

There are 11 chapter exams for this question; all the exams have the same weight and are over 100. The tutor will download the grade of the exams from the Cisco website after the cut-off date.

Note 1: The average score is over 18.
Note 2: This table is for your own information; you can use the following formula to calculate your own average score for this question: [∑tests/1100]*18
∑tests = test1+ test2+…+test11
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
Test 9
Test 10
Test 11
Average score
over 18

Question 2 (12 marks)
The mark for this question is based on the score you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks final exam. You should submit the score show in your gradebook and calculate the average score as the answer to this question.

Note: The average score is over 12
Note2: Use the following formula to calculate your average score:[test/100]*12

Question 3 (19 marks)
This question allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the different number bases associated with CCNA1. In order to obtain the full mark you must provide the details. You might use a calculator to check that your answers are correct, however it will be very useful for you to be able to manipulate these numbers without the use of a calculator as the calculator Is not allowed in the Cisco final exam nor in the MTA or Final exam.

a. Convert each of the following binary numbers (in dotted binary form) to dotted decimal as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. You must show the details of the conversion of each number. (3.75 marks)

· 11000000.10101010.11101001.00010001
Note: marks will be allocated for the steps and details of the conversion for all the bytes; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 1 mark for the this question.

b. Convert the following dotted decimal numbers to dotted binary form as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. You must show the details of the conversion of each number.
(3.75 marks)

Note: marks will be allocated for the steps and details of the conversion for all the bytes; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 1 mark for the this question.
Note2: the byte should always be presented in 8 bits even if it starts with one or more "0"

c. Find the decimal result of ANDing the two decimal numbers as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. The decimal/binary conversion need to be shown; remember to show your working for the ANDing function.(2.5 marks)

· 177 AND 232
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in decimal.

d. Convert following hexadecimal number to decimal number as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. Remember that you should convert from hexadecimal to binary then from binary to decimal. You must show the details. (2.5 marks)

· 9C
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in decimal.

e. Convert following decimal number to hexadecimal number as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. Remember that you should convert from decimal to binary then from binary to hexadecimal. You must show the details. (2.5 marks)

· 210
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in hexadecimal

f. This question is related to IPv6 (4 marks)

i. Re-write the IPv6 address in a way to reduce the size (compressed) as mentioned in section 8.2.2 of IP addressing chapter 8. (refer to the activity of section (2 marks)

I. 216A:0AOU:7000:0000:0000:0001:0000:10CD
II. FE80:5000:0000:0000:0037:0000:0000:A001

ii. Subnetting an IPv6 network (this question is based on the chapter of CCNA1 "Introduction to networks") (2 marks)

Subnet the following IPv6 network (2001:AOU:216A:FFFF:/64) in order to have at least 9 networks; remember that you should submit on nibble boundaries ( a nibble is 4 bits)
Note: List the new subnets with their new prefix

Question 4 (16 marks)

This question covers subnetting networks covered in chapters8 “IP addressing” & 9 “Subnetting IP network”

a. Figure A shows the design of a network that is going to be implemented.(14 marks)

The details of the topology of the network are as follows:
· Net 1 LAN “Employee LAN”: has 30 PCs and 30 VoIP phones connected to 3 Switches*.
· Net 2 LAN “Server Farm LAN”: has 10 Servers connected to 1 Switch*.
· Net 3 LAN:“Admin LAN”: has 25 PCs and 3 Network printers connected to 1 Switch*.
· Net 4 LAN “Freelance LAN”: can accommodate at the same time up to 12 Laptops and 12 wireless devices connected to 1 access point*.
· Net 5 LAN “Wireless network”: can accommodate at the same time up to 20 Smart devices connected to 1 access point*
· Net 6 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 4 “R4”.
· Net 7 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 2 “R2”.
· Net 8 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 3 “R3”.

* the switches and access points should be accessed remotely.

Subnet the address block as appropriate to provide an efficient use of the addresses but at the same time providing sufficient addresses for all groups and links. Before you start determining the number of hosts for each network, please read the “Important Notes” section here after.

Design an addressing scheme for the company by completing a copy of Table 1.
You should complete one row for each different LAN/WAN links and use as your starting address. You should use subnet 0.

Important Notes:
· An IP address should be assigned to each switch in order to be able to configure/access it remotely.
· An IP address should be assigned to the access point in order to be able to configure/access it remotely.
· Your choices should make the most economical use of the address range
· You are not expected to send in a packet tracer file or to simulate the network in any way. You just need to copy and complete Table 1
· You can change the order to the Name of the LAN/WAN in table 1

Name of LAN/WAN
Network (subnet) address
Address range
Broadcast address
Subnet mask
Net 1

Net 2

Net 3

Net 4

Net 5

Net 6

Net 7

Net 8

Table 1 to be completed

b. From the address block used in part a list all the unused subnets. (2 marks)

Question 5 (17 marks)

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to program a network of Cisco switches using packet tracer. The Packet tracer file for this question is T216AFA15TMA01Q5.pkt will be found on the AOULMS (Moodle).

Configure your network as shown in figure B using (Command Line Interface) instructions. Your configuration should be complete as possible.

Note1: the Packet Tracer file should be returned to a special forum which will be specified by your tutor.
Note2: the packet tracer “configuration function” has been disabled so you will have to configure the routers through the CLI as if you were accessing them via the console interface or via telnet.
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration

Topology Diagram

[h=2]Addressing Table[/h]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Table 2

Note: XXXXXX is your ID (6 digits)

Put in practice what you have learned in Chapter 2 of CCNA-1: Introduction to Networks
· Perform basic device configuration task on switches S1 and S2
· Configure IP addressing setting on all network devices.
· Verify Layer 3 connectivity.

A. Perform basic device configuration on the switches (8 marks)

Configure switches S1 and S2 according to the following guidelines:
· Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 2)
· Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx
· Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner for examples: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device” or “This is a secure system. Authorized Access only” or “Legal action will be pursued for any unauthorized use”.
· Configure a password for console connections. “T216A
· Configure a password for vty connections; the password should be your first name
· Encrypt password display

Note: The switch should include your ID, example S1_123456
Note2: the privileged password should include your ID, example AOU_123456
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: "copy running-config startup-config"

  • The banner message should never welcome someone to the device. It should detail that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device.

List in the beneath tables the commands you used for each switch

The commands should include the command prompt as seen on the switch for example:
· S1_123456(config-if)#ip address (this is correct)
· ip address (this is incorrect)

Switch S1
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “T216A

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of S1

Switch S2
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “T216A

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”

B. Configure the Switch Virtual interface on the two switches (S1 and S2)
(Refer to table 2) (4 marks)
List, in the beneath table, the commands you used for each switch; the commands should include the command prompt.
Configure the management interface on S1

Configure the management interface on S2

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of S2

C. Configure the PC1 and PC2 Ethernet interfaces. (Refer to table 2) (1.5 marks)
You should use the following command in the command prompt section to configure the Ethernet interfaces of the PCs and laptops:

ipconfig ip_address subnet_mask

example: ipconfig

A print screen of the configuration done for each Ethernet interface should be included.

D. Test the connectivity between all the devices (all devices should be able to ping all the other devices) (1.5 marks)

Include a print screen of the result for each step (0.5 marks for each step)
Step 1: from PC1 ping S1
Step 2: from PC1 ping S2
Step 3: from PC1 ping PC1

Note: the ping should be successful for all the steps

E. Document the Configuration of switch S1 and Switch S2 (2 marks)

On each device, issue the show run command and capture the configurations.

Note: the result should be included in the assignment (for the two switches)

Question 6 (13 marks)

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to program a network of Cisco routers using packet tracer. The Packet tracer file for this question is T216AFA15TMA01Q6.pkt will be found on the AOULMS (Moodle).

Configure your network as shown in figure C using (Command Line Interface) instructions. Your configuration should be complete as possible.

Note1: the Packet Tracer file should be returned to a special forum which will be specified by your tutor.
Note2: the packet tracer “configuration function” has been disabled so you will have to configure the routers through the CLI as if you were accessing them via the console interface or via telnet.
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration

Topology Diagram

[h=2]Addressing Table[/h]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Table 3

Note: XXXXXX is your ID (6 digits)

[h=2]Objectives[/h]Put in practice what you have learned in Chapter 6 of CCNA-1: Introduction to Networks
· Perform basic device configuration task on a router.
· Configure IP addressing setting on all router interfaces.
· Verify Layer 3 connectivity.

A. Perform basic device configuration on the router and switches (4.5 marks)

Configure router R1 according to the following guidelines:
· Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)
· Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “SECTA_xxxxxx
· Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner for examples: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device” or “This is a secure system. Authorized Access only” or “Legal action will be pursued for any unauthorized use”.
· Configure a password for console connections. “possible
· Configure a password for auxiliary connections. “twist
· Configure a password for vty connections; the password should be your first name
· Encrypt password display

Note: The router should include your ID, example routerR1_123456
Note2: the privileged password should include your ID, example SECTA_123456
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: "copy running-config startup-config"

  • The banner message should never welcome someone to the device. It should detail that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device.
List in the beneath tables the commands you used for the router device.

The commands should include the command prompt as seen on the router for example:
· R1_123456(config-if)#ip address (this is correct)
· ip address (this is incorrect)
Router R1
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “SECTA_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “possible

Configure a password for auxiliary connections. “twist

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”

B. Configure the router interfaces (Refer to table 3) (4.5 marks)
List, in the beneath table, the commands you used for router R1; the commands should include the command prompt.
Configure interface Fa0/0
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.)
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Configure interface Fa0/1
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Configure interface Fa1/0
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of interface Fa1/0

C. Configure the PC1, PC2 and PC3 Ethernet interfaces. (Refer to table 3) (1.5 marks)
You should use the following command in the command prompt section to configure the Ethernet interfaces of the PCs and laptops:

ipconfig ip_address subnet_maskdefault gateway_address

example: ipconfig

A print screen of the configuration done for each Ethernet interface should be included.

D. Test the connectivity between all the devices (all devices should be able to ping all the other devices) (1.5 marks)

Include a print screen of the result for each step (0.5 marks for each step)
Step 1: from PC1 ping Interface Fa0/0
Step 2: from PC1 ping PC2
Step 3: from PC1 ping PC3
Note: the ping should be successful for all the steps

E. Document the Configuration of router R1 (1 mark)

On each device, issue the show run command and capture the configurations.

Note: the result should be included in the assignment

Question 7 (5 marks)

The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Routing and switching essentials chapters 1 to 3; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website.

There are 3 chapter exams for this question; all the exams have the same weight and are over 100. The tutor will download the grade of the exams from the Cisco website after the cut-off date.

Note 1: The average score is over 5
Note 2: This table is for your own information; you can use the following formula to calculate your own average score for this question: [∑tests/300]*5
∑tests = test1+ test2+test3
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Average score over 5

End of Question
14 أكتوبر 2014
حل واجب t216a

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد حلول نموذجية مضمونة
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:
M180, M256, M363, M150A, M150B, M275
M359, M129, M130, M131, M132, TT284
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -a_al_shora@hotmail.com)
وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

وسيتم سرد قائمه بأسماء المواد التي نقوم بتقديم الحلول النموذجية والمنفرده طبقا لنظام التشابه Turnitin الذي يضمن عدم تشابه الواجبات سواء من مصادر الانترنت او من بين واجبات الطلاب و بعضها

مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة TU170
حل واجب مادة M150a
حل واجب مادة M150b
حل واجب مادة M363
حل واجب مادة M180
حل واجب مادة TT284
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة T324
حل واجب مادةT325
حل واجب مادة T216A
حل واجب مادة T215A
حل واجب مادة T215B

حل واجب مادة T490
حل واجب مادة M257
حل واجب مادة M275
حل واجب مادة t103
حل واجب مادة M105
حل واجب مادة T175a
حل واجب مادة T175b
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة M359
حل واجب مادة T471
حل واجب مادة M129
حل واجب مادة M131
حل واجب مادة M132
حل واجب مادة M130
حل واجب مادة M253
حل واجب مادة MU123
حل واجب مادة T103
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
لدينا حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

Question 1 (18 marks)
The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks chapters’ exam; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website.

There are 11 chapter exams for this question; all the exams have the same weight and are over 100. The tutor will download the grade of the exams from the Cisco website after the cut-off date.

Note 1: The average score is over 18.
Note 2: This table is for your own information; you can use the following formula to calculate your own average score for this question: [∑tests/1100]*18
∑tests = test1+ test2+…+test11
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
Test 9
Test 10
Test 11
Average score
over 18

Question 2 (12 marks)
The mark for this question is based on the score you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks final exam. You should submit the score show in your gradebook and calculate the average score as the answer to this question.

Note: The average score is over 12
Note2: Use the following formula to calculate your average score:[test/100]*12

Question 3 (19 marks)
This question allows you to demonstrate your understanding of the different number bases associated with CCNA1. In order to obtain the full mark you must provide the details. You might use a calculator to check that your answers are correct, however it will be very useful for you to be able to manipulate these numbers without the use of a calculator as the calculator Is not allowed in the Cisco final exam nor in the MTA or Final exam.

a. Convert each of the following binary numbers (in dotted binary form) to dotted decimal as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. You must show the details of the conversion of each number. (3.75 marks)

· 11000000.10101010.11101001.00010001
Note: marks will be allocated for the steps and details of the conversion for all the bytes; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 1 mark for the this question.

b. Convert the following dotted decimal numbers to dotted binary form as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. You must show the details of the conversion of each number.
(3.75 marks)

Note: marks will be allocated for the steps and details of the conversion for all the bytes; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 1 mark for the this question.
Note2: the byte should always be presented in 8 bits even if it starts with one or more "0"

c. Find the decimal result of ANDing the two decimal numbers as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. The decimal/binary conversion need to be shown; remember to show your working for the ANDing function.(2.5 marks)

· 177 AND 232
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in decimal.

d. Convert following hexadecimal number to decimal number as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. Remember that you should convert from hexadecimal to binary then from binary to decimal. You must show the details. (2.5 marks)

· 9C
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in decimal.

e. Convert following decimal number to hexadecimal number as shown in IP addressing chapter 8. Remember that you should convert from decimal to binary then from binary to hexadecimal. You must show the details. (2.5 marks)

· 210
Note: most of the marks will be allocated for the steps and details of calculation; if you just provide the final result without the steps and details you will only be awarded 0.75 marks for the this question.
Note2: the final result should be expressed in hexadecimal

f. This question is related to IPv6 (4 marks)

i. Re-write the IPv6 address in a way to reduce the size (compressed) as mentioned in section 8.2.2 of IP addressing chapter 8. (refer to the activity of section (2 marks)

I. 216A:0AOU:7000:0000:0000:0001:0000:10CD
II. FE80:5000:0000:0000:0037:0000:0000:A001

ii. Subnetting an IPv6 network (this question is based on the chapter of CCNA1 "Introduction to networks") (2 marks)

Subnet the following IPv6 network (2001:AOU:216A:FFFF:/64) in order to have at least 9 networks; remember that you should submit on nibble boundaries ( a nibble is 4 bits)
Note: List the new subnets with their new prefix

Question 4 (16 marks)

This question covers subnetting networks covered in chapters8 “IP addressing” & 9 “Subnetting IP network”

a. Figure A shows the design of a network that is going to be implemented.(14 marks)

The details of the topology of the network are as follows:
· Net 1 LAN “Employee LAN”: has 30 PCs and 30 VoIP phones connected to 3 Switches*.
· Net 2 LAN “Server Farm LAN”: has 10 Servers connected to 1 Switch*.
· Net 3 LAN:“Admin LAN”: has 25 PCs and 3 Network printers connected to 1 Switch*.
· Net 4 LAN “Freelance LAN”: can accommodate at the same time up to 12 Laptops and 12 wireless devices connected to 1 access point*.
· Net 5 LAN “Wireless network”: can accommodate at the same time up to 20 Smart devices connected to 1 access point*
· Net 6 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 4 “R4”.
· Net 7 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 2 “R2”.
· Net 8 WAN: router 1 “R1” is directly connected to router 3 “R3”.

* the switches and access points should be accessed remotely.

Subnet the address block as appropriate to provide an efficient use of the addresses but at the same time providing sufficient addresses for all groups and links. Before you start determining the number of hosts for each network, please read the “Important Notes” section here after.

Design an addressing scheme for the company by completing a copy of Table 1.
You should complete one row for each different LAN/WAN links and use as your starting address. You should use subnet 0.

Important Notes:
· An IP address should be assigned to each switch in order to be able to configure/access it remotely.
· An IP address should be assigned to the access point in order to be able to configure/access it remotely.
· Your choices should make the most economical use of the address range
· You are not expected to send in a packet tracer file or to simulate the network in any way. You just need to copy and complete Table 1
· You can change the order to the Name of the LAN/WAN in table 1

Name of LAN/WAN
Network (subnet) address
Address range
Broadcast address
Subnet mask
Net 1

Net 2

Net 3

Net 4

Net 5

Net 6

Net 7

Net 8

Table 1 to be completed

b. From the address block used in part a list all the unused subnets. (2 marks)

Question 5 (17 marks)

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to program a network of Cisco switches using packet tracer. The Packet tracer file for this question is T216AFA15TMA01Q5.pkt will be found on the AOULMS (Moodle).

Configure your network as shown in figure B using (Command Line Interface) instructions. Your configuration should be complete as possible.

Note1: the Packet Tracer file should be returned to a special forum which will be specified by your tutor.
Note2: the packet tracer “configuration function” has been disabled so you will have to configure the routers through the CLI as if you were accessing them via the console interface or via telnet.
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration

Topology Diagram

[h=2]Addressing Table[/h]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Table 2

Note: XXXXXX is your ID (6 digits)

Put in practice what you have learned in Chapter 2 of CCNA-1: Introduction to Networks
· Perform basic device configuration task on switches S1 and S2
· Configure IP addressing setting on all network devices.
· Verify Layer 3 connectivity.

A. Perform basic device configuration on the switches (8 marks)

Configure switches S1 and S2 according to the following guidelines:
· Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 2)
· Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx
· Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner for examples: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device” or “This is a secure system. Authorized Access only” or “Legal action will be pursued for any unauthorized use”.
· Configure a password for console connections. “T216A
· Configure a password for vty connections; the password should be your first name
· Encrypt password display

Note: The switch should include your ID, example S1_123456
Note2: the privileged password should include your ID, example AOU_123456
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: "copy running-config startup-config"

  • The banner message should never welcome someone to the device. It should detail that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device.

List in the beneath tables the commands you used for each switch

The commands should include the command prompt as seen on the switch for example:
· S1_123456(config-if)#ip address (this is correct)
· ip address (this is incorrect)

Switch S1
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “T216A

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of S1

Switch S2
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “AOU_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “T216A

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”

B. Configure the Switch Virtual interface on the two switches (S1 and S2)
(Refer to table 2) (4 marks)
List, in the beneath table, the commands you used for each switch; the commands should include the command prompt.
Configure the management interface on S1

Configure the management interface on S2

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of S2

C. Configure the PC1 and PC2 Ethernet interfaces. (Refer to table 2) (1.5 marks)
You should use the following command in the command prompt section to configure the Ethernet interfaces of the PCs and laptops:

ipconfig ip_address subnet_mask

example: ipconfig

A print screen of the configuration done for each Ethernet interface should be included.

D. Test the connectivity between all the devices (all devices should be able to ping all the other devices) (1.5 marks)

Include a print screen of the result for each step (0.5 marks for each step)
Step 1: from PC1 ping S1
Step 2: from PC1 ping S2
Step 3: from PC1 ping PC1

Note: the ping should be successful for all the steps

E. Document the Configuration of switch S1 and Switch S2 (2 marks)

On each device, issue the show run command and capture the configurations.

Note: the result should be included in the assignment (for the two switches)

Question 6 (13 marks)

This question allows you to demonstrate your ability to program a network of Cisco routers using packet tracer. The Packet tracer file for this question is T216AFA15TMA01Q6.pkt will be found on the AOULMS (Moodle).

Configure your network as shown in figure C using (Command Line Interface) instructions. Your configuration should be complete as possible.

Note1: the Packet Tracer file should be returned to a special forum which will be specified by your tutor.
Note2: the packet tracer “configuration function” has been disabled so you will have to configure the routers through the CLI as if you were accessing them via the console interface or via telnet.
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration

Topology Diagram

[h=2]Addressing Table[/h]
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Table 3

Note: XXXXXX is your ID (6 digits)

[h=2]Objectives[/h]Put in practice what you have learned in Chapter 6 of CCNA-1: Introduction to Networks
· Perform basic device configuration task on a router.
· Configure IP addressing setting on all router interfaces.
· Verify Layer 3 connectivity.

A. Perform basic device configuration on the router and switches (4.5 marks)

Configure router R1 according to the following guidelines:
· Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)
· Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “SECTA_xxxxxx
· Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner for examples: “Only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device” or “This is a secure system. Authorized Access only” or “Legal action will be pursued for any unauthorized use”.
· Configure a password for console connections. “possible
· Configure a password for auxiliary connections. “twist
· Configure a password for vty connections; the password should be your first name
· Encrypt password display

Note: The router should include your ID, example routerR1_123456
Note2: the privileged password should include your ID, example SECTA_123456
Note3: do not forget to save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: "copy running-config startup-config"

  • The banner message should never welcome someone to the device. It should detail that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the device.
List in the beneath tables the commands you used for the router device.

The commands should include the command prompt as seen on the router for example:
· R1_123456(config-if)#ip address (this is correct)
· ip address (this is incorrect)
Router R1
Configure the hostname* (as mentioned in table 3)

Configure a secure the privileged EXEC access using the following password “SECTA_xxxxxx

Configure a valid* message-of-the-day banner

Configure a password for console connections. “possible

Configure a password for auxiliary connections. “twist

Configure a password for vty connections.
“the password should be your first name”

Encrypt password display

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”

B. Configure the router interfaces (Refer to table 3) (4.5 marks)
List, in the beneath table, the commands you used for router R1; the commands should include the command prompt.
Configure interface Fa0/0
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.)
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Configure interface Fa0/1
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Configure interface Fa1/0
· Set the Layer 3 IPv4 address. (Refer to the Addressing Table 3 for IPv4 address information.
· Set the description
· Activate interface

Note: Save the running configuration to the startup configuration using the following command: “copy running-config startup-config”
Note2: include the print screen of the configuration of interface Fa1/0

C. Configure the PC1, PC2 and PC3 Ethernet interfaces. (Refer to table 3) (1.5 marks)
You should use the following command in the command prompt section to configure the Ethernet interfaces of the PCs and laptops:

ipconfig ip_address subnet_maskdefault gateway_address

example: ipconfig

A print screen of the configuration done for each Ethernet interface should be included.

D. Test the connectivity between all the devices (all devices should be able to ping all the other devices) (1.5 marks)

Include a print screen of the result for each step (0.5 marks for each step)
Step 1: from PC1 ping Interface Fa0/0
Step 2: from PC1 ping PC2
Step 3: from PC1 ping PC3
Note: the ping should be successful for all the steps

E. Document the Configuration of router R1 (1 mark)

On each device, issue the show run command and capture the configurations.

Note: the result should be included in the assignment

Question 7 (5 marks)

The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Routing and switching essentials chapters 1 to 3; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website.

There are 3 chapter exams for this question; all the exams have the same weight and are over 100. The tutor will download the grade of the exams from the Cisco website after the cut-off date.

Note 1: The average score is over 5
Note 2: This table is for your own information; you can use the following formula to calculate your own average score for this question: [∑tests/300]*5
∑tests = test1+ test2+test3
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Average score over 5

14 أكتوبر 2014
Question 1 (18 marks) The marks of this question are based on the scores you obtain in the Cisco Introduction to Networks chapters’ exam; these exams are found in the Cisco Academy website. There are 11 chapter exams for this question; all the exam

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد حلول نموذجية مضمونة
حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
(.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455
واتس اب: 966544321455+
ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
سكايبي : a_al_shora

حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
سكايبي: a_al_shora
واتس اب: OO96654.
مع نخبة من أفضل المعيدين والاساتذه والمهندسين المتخصصين
متوفر الان حلول واجبات:
M180, M256, M363, M150A, M150B, M275
M359, M129, M130, M131, M132, TT284
مع نخبة أفضل المعيدين و الاساتذة والمهندسين المتخصصين : حلول مضمونه وغير مكرره

00966544321455 الممتاز في حلول واجبات الجامعة العربية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

نتقدم بخدماتنا المميزة لطلاب وطالبات
الجامعة العربية المفتوحة 00966544321455
واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
فلقد تميزنا من بداية انشاء الجامعة العربية المفتوحة منذ عام 2003 بتقديم اروع الأمثله و النماذج في حصول الطلاب على اعلى التقديرات بحول الله تعالى في مختلف تخصصات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة فهناك تخصص ادارة الأعمال الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبه من دكاترة و حملة الماجستير في تخصص ادارة الاعمال و البيزنس لطلاب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
وكذلك تخصص تقنية المعلومات و الحاسب و الذي يقوم بالإشراف عليه نخبة من المهندسين والاساتذة والمعيدين المتخصصين
(00966544321455 -a_al_shora@hotmail.com)
وكذلك تخصصات الإدب و اللغة الانجليزية بقيادة اساتذة الجامعات و الدكاترة في تخصص الإنجلش و اخيرا وليس بأخر نقدم حلول نموذجيه غير متشابهة لقسم التربوي واللغة العربية
شعارنا هو التميز والاستمرارية و بحمد الله فنحن مستمرون من 12 عام في تقديم النموذج الباهر والنجاحات المتعدده ولا يأتي هذا النجاح من فراغ بل من تفوق طلابنا بأعلى الدرجات ولله الحمد
نضمن لكم عدم التكرار ولا التشابه بين الواجبات المختلفة فنحن على يقين بأن نجاح الطالب هو الضمان الوحيد لنجاحنا و استمراريتنا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
يسعدنا تلقي استفساراتكم وطلباتكم على مدار 24 ساعه يوميا
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455

وسيتم سرد قائمه بأسماء المواد التي نقوم بتقديم الحلول النموذجية والمنفرده طبقا لنظام التشابه Turnitin الذي يضمن عدم تشابه الواجبات سواء من مصادر الانترنت او من بين واجبات الطلاب و بعضها

مواد تقنية المعلومات بدأ من
حل واجب مادة TU170
حل واجب مادة M150a
حل واجب مادة M150b
حل واجب مادة M363
حل واجب مادة M180
حل واجب مادة TT284
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة T324
حل واجب مادةT325
حل واجب مادة T216A
حل واجب مادة T215A
حل واجب مادة T215B

حل واجب مادة T490
حل واجب مادة M257
حل واجب مادة M275
حل واجب مادة t103
حل واجب مادة M105
حل واجب مادة T175a
حل واجب مادة T175b
حل واجب مادة M256
حل واجب مادة M359
حل واجب مادة T471
حل واجب مادة M129
حل واجب مادة M131
حل واجب مادة M132
حل واجب مادة M130
حل واجب مادة M253
حل واجب مادة MU123
حل واجب مادة T103
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455
لدينا حلول مضمونة 100% بإذن الله وغير مكررة لكافة مواد الجامعة المفتوحة مع إمكانية شرح ومراجعة المواد التي باللغة العربية و يوجد وغيرها كثير وكمان عمل كافة الأبحاث ومراجعات لغوية للرسائل العلمية باللغة العربية للاستشارات المجانية حل واجبات الجامعه العربيه المفتوحه
يمكنكم التواصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني a_al_shora@hotmail.com
او عن طريق رقم جوال : 00966544321455 او واتس أب +966544321455